Haven’t heard this- California's Bold Move: Say Goodbye to Gas Lawn Mowers in 2024 (Chickanic) It’s for the greater good!
Seems stupid. Bandaid on a gunshot wound. Also, is there anything in the legislation preventing from someone from ordering a gas lawnmower from an online retailer and having it shipped to CA?
I have had a battery powered lawn mower for about 4 years. It is far superior to a gas one. This feels like California wants to push people to the better option and troglodytes are complaining.
How large of an area do you mow? What brand do you own? I’m mowing approximately 1/2 acre with a gas powered ZTR (share ownership with my next door neighbor who mows the same) and am thinking about the EGO or Ryobi battery-powered unit in the next year or so. Specs indicate they can mow 2-3 acres with batteries provided with purchase.
Me too, got a Stihl self propelled. I don't have a big yard so I can mow the whole thing on one charge in about 30 minutes. Beats the shit out of going to mow to find you don't have any gas. Bought three batteries one to keep in the charger and switch them out and one for the edger and blower I got with it.
What I really like is it’s lasted 4 years. The battery doesn’t keep the charge as well anymore but I bought a new battery. Old gas mowers the engines would get eaten up by the sand. I’d get two years if I was lucky.
I have a quarter acre and a green works 21 inch. I mow my whole yard and two of my neighbors front yards. In the summer I have to wait to do my backyard for the battery to charge.
I also got a pole saw that uses the same batteries. I went cheap and bought a weed eater and a blower that takes a different battery.
Agree with a lot of what's being said here. I switched to a Greenworks battery mower a few years ago and it's been great, so much better than gas, unless it's thick grass. Just need an extra battery usually only in springtime here in the midwest. Also, agree this is such a minimal improvement for a much, much larger issue.
Well, I guess it's just a brag but I've got a robot mower, vacuum, and pool cleaner. The more robots in my life taking stuff off to-do list is money well spent. The mower paid for itself in 10 months. The pool cleaner in 8. I don't trust the robot mop yet, though a friend got one for Xmas. Gonna see
I have a greenworks robot mower, it was first generation. Has had some issues and luckily I'm handy, because my only complaint with greenworks is the customer service/tech support is awful.
A robotic lawnmower seems rather scary. I'm all for it if it works and I don't have to spend tons of time correcting mistakes and missed spots.
What I tell people is it isn't 100% amazing. It's 90% amazing. I haven't had to mow my yard in 2.5 years. But you do have to sometimes run it extra or fix some faults. Biggest issue for me is moss. Gets wrapped around the blade and throws an error and stops. So for roughly 5 minutes a week I have to "work" on mowing my grass. Otherwise, I can be out to dinner and push a button on my phone and send my power out. Again, best thing I think I've ever purchased.
This is small potatoes on a personal level. I maybe use 5 gallons a year with the mower at best. I assume there are lots of people who use more though. Give me some tax credits/small subsidies to electric I'd do it now instead waiting for my gas one to die. Makes sense to apply it more to people who do landscaping on a industrial scale and on new mowers sold. I've gone battery/electric on everything else and its fine.
I've had mine for about 3 years and still runs the same time. The edger and blower/weed wacker is nice becuase the battery is in the backpack and the tools are interchangeable with the main unit. Also got a chainsaw that runs on the same battery.