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The more things change, the more they stay the same: Liberal Indoctrination of Children

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by gator_lawyer, Jan 6, 2024.

  1. gator_lawyer

    gator_lawyer VIP Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    Reading this article, it struck me how similar these accusations sound to things that are still said today:
    In 1967, a Black Man and a White Woman Bought a Home. American Politics Would Never Be the Same.
    “If this was a Negro family, there wouldn’t be this kind of a disturbance. But this is a racially mixed marriage,” the Macomb Daily quoted one woman in the crowd who refused to give her name. “We want these people to move out because our children will start believing that marriages of this type are acceptable.”

    “We realize it is inevitable that all neighborhoods will become integrated,” another neighbor told the Daily that week. “But we do object to this mixed marriage. It is pretty hard to explain to our children that this isn’t often done, and particularly is not done by people whom you want living nearby.”

    “We do not believe that this family moved here to live in harmony,” yet another neighbor wrote in a letter to the editor of the Detroit News. “We feel that they have been put here … to ‘brain wash’ our children into accepting a mixed marriage as natural. We will never accept a mixed marriage as being right.”
    There's also the "double standard" gripes:
    To the whites in the mob, the crackdown by law enforcement was an egregious abuse of power. “The police won’t let white people demonstrate, but Negroes can do as they please,” moaned an anonymous woman in the Macomb Daily.
    * * *
    “The n-----s got CORE and NAACP and SNCC, and it’s OK,” complained an unnamed man. “We try to start something like the Ku Klux Klan, and it’s all bad, bad, bad.”
    I was struck by how similar these grievances sound to today. Back then, accusing the family of trying to "brain wash" children into believing interracial marriage is okay and natural. Complaining that it's not fair that Black people get to have organizations fighting for them and get to protest, while whites don't get to do the same.

    Keep in mind, these are the people who were relentlessly harassing, assaulting, and damaging the property of an interracial family for the crime of living in their neighborhood. But these people were convinced they were the real victims. They were the ones being treated unfairly.

    I wonder what group(s) today is being accused of trying to "brain wash" children simply by existing, wanting to live openly in our society, and wanting to be treated equally.
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  2. l_boy

    l_boy 5500

    Jan 6, 2009
    Given you started the topic I assume you have an answer to the question you are pondering?
  3. gator_lawyer

    gator_lawyer VIP Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    I imagine we all know the answer. Hell, there are probably still folks accusing gay people of this too.
  4. l_boy

    l_boy 5500

    Jan 6, 2009
    My impression is a large majority of people are accepting of gays these days and even a majority accept gay marriage. Our kids went to an elementary school where there were two (likely) gay teachers and one of them was considered an excellent teacher - he was black to boot, and this is in Texas.

    I think these LGTBG+ issues are blown out of proportion on both sides for cynical self serving purposes.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. gator_lawyer

    gator_lawyer VIP Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    Gay people weren't the primary group I was talking about, which is why I said what I said. Transgender people are the group I'm talking about.
  6. l_boy

    l_boy 5500

    Jan 6, 2009
    The black percentage of the population is a minority but nonetheless obvious. Gay people are a smaller minority but to the best of my knowledge have always been a fairly consistent small percentage throughout documented history. Transgenders were extremely rare, and now all of a sudden the population is inexplicably surging.

    To be blunt, it seems to me people like yourself are looking for a new civil rights battle and have decided to plant your flag in the realm of transgenderism. It wasn’t that long ago this issue wasn’t even on the map because the occurance was so rare.
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  7. gator_lawyer

    gator_lawyer VIP Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    It's weird how left-handedness inexplicably surged. I wonder what the cause of it could be.

    In 1967, only 3% of marriages were interracial. In 2019, 19% of marriages were interracial. I wonder why the rate of interracial marriages has increased.

    To be blunt, I didn't make it a "new civil rights battle." The bigoted assholes who decided to pass a bunch of laws to deny transgender people equal rights and status did.

    And just because this issue wasn't on the map for you, doesn't mean it was nonexistent.
    Ladies In The Streets: Before Stonewall, Transgender Uprising Changed Lives
    Black trans activists' roles in leading 1969 Stonewall Riots
    Forsaken transgender pioneers recognized 50 years after Stonewall
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2024
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  8. l_boy

    l_boy 5500

    Jan 6, 2009
    You should at least thank me for taking the bait for an argument you clearly wanted to engage in by starting this thread.

    Time will tell how transgenderism trends in the future. I frankly could give two shits either way. My guess is currently much of the recent increase is other mental illness in various forms.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. gator_lawyer

    gator_lawyer VIP Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    What I wanted to do was show how much the arguments made by bigoted whites who opposed interracial marriage sounded like the arguments being made today by Republicans who are attacking transgender people's rights. They're also quite similar to the arguments being used by the book banners today too. My hope was that some folks reading this might come away thinking, "Hmm . . . maybe we should be skeptical of these indoctrination claims."
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  10. lacuna

    lacuna philologist VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Redlands, Colorado
    Are these serious musings?

    "Whether a person favours their right hand or their left, and what this reveals about brain function, has been studied for at least 150 years. However, researchers still don’t understand why around 10 per cent of the population turn out to be left-handed.

    "In the past, children who were naturally left-handed were encouraged or forced to use their right hand, mainly because of prejudice against the awkwardness of left-handed writing and the prevalence of ‘right-handed’ utensils. These days, left-handedness is more accepted.

    "If your child is naturally left-handed, don’t try to force them into using their right hand. While we know very little about what influences hand preference, we do know that handedness reflects the wiring of the individual brain."

    When I was a young child in the 50's I knew a couple of classmates who were innately left handed but were 'urged' to use and write with their right hands. One was a stutterer. Fortunately that practice was abandoned as it created more problems than it solved.

    Hand Preference in Stuttering: Meta-Analyses - Neuropsychology Review

    Reduced hemispheric asymmetries, as well as their behavioral manifestation in the form of atypical handedness (i.e., non-right, left-, or mixed-handedness), are linked to neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder, and several psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia. One neurodevelopmental disorder that is associated with reduced hemispheric asymmetries, but for which findings on behavioral laterality are conflicting, is stuttering. Here, we report a series of meta-analyses of studies that report handedness (assessed as hand preference) levels in individuals who stutter (otherwise healthy) compared to controls. For this purpose, articles were identified via a search in PubMed, Scopus, and PsycInfo (13 June 2023). On the basis of k = 52 identified studies totaling n = 2590 individuals who stutter and n = 17,148 controls, five random effects meta-analyses were conducted: four using the odds ratio [left-handers (forced choice); left-handers (extreme); mixed-handers; non-right-handers vs. total)] and one using the standardized difference in means as the effect size. We did not find evidence of a left (extreme)- or mixed-handedness difference or a difference in mean handedness scores, but evidence did emerge, when it came to left-handedness (forced-choice) and (inconclusively for) non-right-handedness. Risk-of-bias analysis was not deemed necessary in the context of these meta-analyses. Differences in hand skill or strength of handedness could not be assessed as no pertinent studies were located. Severity of stuttering could not be used s a moderator, as too few studies broke down their data according to severity. Our findings do not allow for firm conclusions to be drawn on whether stuttering is associated with reduced hemispheric asymmetries, at least when it comes to their behavioral manifestation.

    "The King's Speech" an award winning movie released in 2010 depicted King George VI's efforts to overcome his stutter. The young future king was left handed as a child and forced to use his right hand. His stutter developed after that.


    Many early 20th-century British and North American educators and physicians, albeit with a “scientific” rationale, insisted children should be made to write using their right hands. The methods used to obtain this result were often tortuous, including tying a resistant child’s left hand to immobilise it. Typical of the reasoning to justify such practices is a 1924 letter to the British Medical Journal endorsing “retraining” of left-handers to write with their right hands, because otherwise the left-handed child would risk “retardation in mental development; in some cases...actual feeble-mindedness”. As late as 1946 the former chief psychiatrist of the New York City Board of Education, Abram Blau, warned that, unless retrained, lefthanded children risked severe developmental and learning disabilities and insisted that “children should be encouraged in their early years to adopt dextrality...in order to become better equipped to live in our right-sided world”. Based on similar assumptions, England’s Duke of York, the future King George VI (1895–1952), had been forced to write with his right hand. The Duke, who was naturally left-handed, also stuttered. In his 1958 biography, Sir John Wheeler-Bennett wrote that the future King “did not stammer when he first began to talk”. His stuttering began, writes Wheeler-Bennett, “during his 7th and 8th years. It has been attributed to his being naturally lefthanded, and being compelled to write with his right hand. This would create a condition known in psychology as a ‘misplaced sinister’ and may well have affected the speech”. Whether or not the hand-switching was at the root of the King’s stuttering is impossible to know, but circumstantial evidence of cases like this one had informed earlier interest and debates over the wisdom of “retraining” natural left-handers to become right-handers.

    "While the future King was struggling with his stammering, protests against retraining left-handed writers were gaining support from a growing number of reputable experts. According to psychologist Lauren J Harris, by the second decade of the 20th century, a number of educators began to suspect that the practice of retraining lefthanders had negative life-long consequences, especially resulting in stuttering among the retrained. Three studies of thousands of south London school children by J P Ballard were published in an obscure pedagogical journal in 1911–12, but these findings received wide exposure in the influential 1914 textbook, The Hygiene of the School Child, by Stanford University psychologist Lewis M Terman. Based on his examination of Ballard’s data, Terman concluded that a third to half 'of the stuttering among London school children is produced in the effort to make right-handed children out of those who are normally left-handed'. This evidence, Terman told his readers, proved that 'lefthanded children should remain left-handed' and that 'the slight advantages that accrue from the change are entirely outweighed by the dangers to speech'"

    There is an increase in the number of left handed people due to fewer left hand dominate children being forced to use their right hands. Interracial marriages have increased for the simple reason they are no longer illegal or stigmatized as they once were. But surely, you knew these things.
  11. gator_lawyer

    gator_lawyer VIP Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    Correct, I did. The point being that stigma drove down the rates, and once that stigma receded, rates increased (quite dramatically). Why are more people openly identifying as transgender? Because society (including the medical profession) has become more welcoming towards members of the LGBTQ+ community. And we're now seeing backlash to that in Republican states.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. danmanne65

    danmanne65 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 2, 2022
    My father told the story that after he was 2 years old his mom never let him suck his thumb again. She caught him once and attached his arms to a board and basically mini crucified him for a week. He never sucked his thumb again. My dad was a violent horrible father. I wonder how much was nature and how much was nurture?
    • Informative Informative x 1
  13. ridgetop

    ridgetop GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 4, 2020
    Top of the ridge
    Only republican states? Or are you trying to shade one side more than the other?
  14. gatorchamps960608

    gatorchamps960608 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 4, 2020
    Ignorance never improves with the passage of time.
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  15. ridgetop

    ridgetop GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 4, 2020
    Top of the ridge
    This line of reasoning can lead to some bad places.
    I believe every adult has the ability and the responsibility to make their own decisions and actions. Every person can over come their past. Your dad was a bad person because he chose to be.
    Too many people have overcome their upbringing, their past, their families to live a successful life and contribute to society.
  16. danmanne65

    danmanne65 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 2, 2022
    I get that. We are the sum of our actions and decisions but there is context. My grandma was a horrible mother but a good grandmother. It’s funny how that happens.
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    ATLGATORFAN Premium Member

    Aug 10, 2015
    Lots of generalization and straw man in OP. Nobody is banning books any more than banning rated R movies. What is a fantastic action thriller for an adult is inappropriate for kids. Siding on the idea of not showing Saw 3 to 3rd graders is not banning movies. I don’t know a single book referenced that is banned from Amazon or Barnes and noble. As far as republicans this and that. I cannot speak for others, I am not a ‘republican’ and I think it’s a horrible idea to have men play women’s sports. And no it’s not a silly transphobe issue. I have zero problem if a bio woman chooses to try out for men’s track or basketball. Hardly draconian beliefs. Bacon away .
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  18. swampbabe

    swampbabe GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Viera, FL
    OCPS removed a Tree Grows in Brooklyn and Paradise Lost among 600 other titles. Your mention of commercial bookstores is a bad deflection.
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  19. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
    Arguably, public education instantiates it.

    ATLGATORFAN Premium Member

    Aug 10, 2015
    if you want to say a book removed from a school… that is a conflation of the term ‘banned’. It’s not banned. Every student there can order it today and read it as much as they or their parents wish. You can start a non profit and deliver every one of those students a copy. A more honest take would be.” OCPS won’t loan me a copy nor will they buy it and give it to me. “….. Otherwise the book you mentioned is readily available.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2024
    • Funny Funny x 1
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