I don't see it happening either way, and I haven't looked into the "sore loser laws" either. If this is accurate, though, most of the state deadlines for independent filings are later than I would have thought - many don't appear to be until July or August. Deadline to run for president, 2024
Now this is important: which Jack Ryan? Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford, Ben Affleck, Chris Pine, or John Krasinski?
Blasphemy. Alex Baldwin played the best Jack Ryan. Remember, it isn’t about the quality of actor in his personal life. It’s about who best captures the character from the source novels. That was Baldwin.
I don’t understand why left-leaners wouldn’t adore Haley. She’s a minority, a child of immigrants. She’s fully-vaccinated. She’s for wars. She’s tried to steer a moderate course on abortion. She’s shown that she can be easily brought in line when she says things that aren’t politically expedient. What gives ?
It would be a tough decision. I have a hard time voting for any republican due to abortion. Her rhetoric is not as strong but I don’t trust her not to sign any new abortion restriction legislation or appoint anti abortion judges. Also, I am a bit put off by some of her bellicose hawkish rhetoric in foreign policy. On the plus side she isn’t 100 years old, seems generally competent and mostly reasonable, and would be more likely to contain federal spending as our deficits explode. As for Biden, I’ve mostly supported him in terms of policy, except for some of his college debt relief proposals and reluctance to touch entitlements . Big issues for me are his age and Harris as VP who has exhibited no signs she can be credible in the job. If Christie were the candidate I’d probably vote for him over Biden or Harris.
I'll be voting for Biden without a second thought. Do you know why? Because I don't want more Clarence Thomases, Brett Kavanaughs, or Samuel Alitos on the Supreme Court. I don't want more Bill Pryors, Edith Joneses, Jim Hos, or Kyle Duncans on the federal appellate courts. I don't want more Matt Kacsmaryks, Kent Wetherells, or Reed O'Connors on the federal district courts. I want more Thurgood Marshalls, Constance Baker Motleys, Dale Hos, Rosemary Barketts, and Mark Walkers. Biden might be old, but Biden is committed to the same ideals I am: civil rights, democratic rights, and justice. Nikki Haley is not.
If it weren't for the courts, I really don't think I'd lose sleep with Christie winning, for example. Of course, if he had any realistic chance to win, he'd probably be more guarded and having to pander like everybody else.
Do we really need another Thurgood Marshall ? Black folks still having to go around to the back of the restaurant ? The things you miss when you’re not paying attention …
Current trajectory is the democrat and republican nominees both suck so I will not be voting for president. Wasting time voting on a 3rd party candidate that has 0 chance of winning is of no value.
Haley would be like George W. Bush all over again. Start some wars or get us more involved in the ones already going, get the neocon swords rattling again. Guarantee that nothing meaningful changes for the better. In other words, she will win if the woke mob succeeds in moving Trump out of the way.
Yeah, we would all be so much better off with an authoritarian with zero respect for the rule of law in office. I'll pass on whatever you are smoking.