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Shane Matthews / Brent Baird Podcast - December Crisis

Discussion in 'RayGator's Swamp Gas' started by Gatorhead, Dec 29, 2023.

  1. Gatorhead

    Gatorhead GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    So Shane and Brent were discussing the "December Disaster". Which is
    Early Signing day month, Transfer Portal, and the Upcoming 12 team Playoff.

    For those that don't follow Brent Baird, one should, the guy is a mountain and a fountain of SEC and College football information. He is on Shanes Podcast every Thursday.
    Of course Shane does a great job, he is one of my favorite Podcasts to follow.

    Anyway they were discussing the insane December NCAA calender with National Early Signing Day, the Transfer Portal, the Bowls and the Playoffs all coinciding in December.

    Shane was discussing scenerios where even Playoff teams may have "opt-outs" or even kids that play for a playoff eligible team transferring to another playoff eligible team at the conclusion of the regular season and before the playoffs start. I am not sure thats possible but given the current trends, it sounds about right. LOL
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 2
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  2. antny1

    antny1 GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 3, 2019
    I have asked the question many times over the years here but when people started throwing around the term "meaningless" bowl game I asked what is meaningful?

    If everything is relegated to draft potential and nfl money then why should a 1st round prospect risk injury midway through a season if they are out of the running for a conference championship, playoff spot or title of any kind? What is a title worth in college for that matter? If Jalen Carter got hurt in the championship game last year and suffered a career ending injury, would that have been worth giving up top 10 top 5 nfl money?

    It started years ago before NIL. NIL in theory can help that situation but I think we are full speed down the slippery slope at this point in time...
    • Agree Agree x 5
  3. ETGator

    ETGator Long-Time Gator Stuck In East Tennessee Moderator VIP Member

    Sep 15, 2007
    For others who want to listen:

    ‎PodUp with Matthews in the Morning: December 28, 2023 ~ Shane, Brent Beaird on Apple Podcasts
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 2
  4. Gatorrick22

    Gatorrick22 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    If you plan not to play in the bowl game you should no longer be considered part of the team... period. And not travel with the team to where ever that bowl game destination is located. Bad bowls will lose out while games in great locations might be better off.

    I just feel that if you simply quit on your team you should not be part of the team.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2023
    • Agree Agree x 5
  5. MarineG8R

    MarineG8R GC Hall of Fame

    Nov 19, 2014
    I just have one gripe about his podcast. The advertising “brought to you”

    Understand money needs to be made but I can’t think of many podcasts that I do listen to that has as much as Shane’s.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2023
  6. tegator80

    tegator80 GC Hall of Fame

    May 29, 2007
    Richmond, VA
    It all makes sense...IF in say 10 years or so there isn't any correlation between signing classes and transfer signings (and outgoing players) and getting into the 12-team playoff. OR, if after teams get into the playoffs and do well (not one-and-done) they do not have good signings (and too many outgoings).

    BUT, if the teams/coaches who have the resources and talent evaluation acumen to maintain their standards (whatever that means) all while signing HS/transfer talent and go to bowls/playoffs, then all I can say is that the lay of the land has changed and if you are a dinosaur, you are going to be extinct. We really can't say what will happen, either major college football or a coach like Napier. TBD.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  7. Claygator

    Claygator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 11, 2007
    No. The dinosaurs should eat the greedy jerks.

    TV revenue has driven the destruction of college football; it has been building for a while, but the final nail in the coffin was NIL coinciding with non-stop portal transfers.

    How do the dinosaurs eat the jerks? They stop going to games, being boosters, and MOST importantly, turn off the tv. I can damn sure do it for a few years. The advertisers will spend their money elsewhere.

    And Napier has nothing to do with this overall problem, so not sure why you mentioned him.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  8. tegator80

    tegator80 GC Hall of Fame

    May 29, 2007
    Richmond, VA
    Nothing wrong with anything you have posted. It is just that your solution involves just about everyone saying "enough is enough" in unison. Sounds noble but pollyannish. If you haven't noticed, we all are jerks, just in different ways.

    And the reference to Napier is simply, what level of this "new reality" will the majority of fans get behind? I can see where everyone (brain trust as well as the great unwashed) will settle for middling plus until all the bodies pile high at the Old Miss's and Auburns. I have said plenty of times that college football is the Blob that WILL eat the university if allowed. BUT, if everyone thinks "well, if you can't beat them, join them" then Napier IS the dinosaur.

    It isn't a good thing but it is real.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  9. FranceGator

    FranceGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Completely agree. I would happily give up a chance to see half the games per year, just to go back to the TV model of, say, mid-90's. In some bizarro universe, the frog realizes it is being boiled and jumps out of the pot. Meaning, NCAA and SEC/B10/ACC/B12 see the prisoner's dilemma game they are in, and renegotiate a half-sized TV contract.

    And first step: cut the $$$ to the adults (coaches, execs) before trimming player money. All this talk on these threads about players and NIL, nobody bitching about the stupid coach contracts and buyouts.

    Never ever ever ever ever gonna happen.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. FranceGator

    FranceGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Well-said. As was mentioned elsewhere, nobody on this forum EVER talks about APR. We as fans are the ultimate problem. We don't actually want student-athletes.

    UF should tell the football overlords: we own the name, we own the stadium, good luck being the Gainesville Gators. (Again, just wish-casting. You are right, the infection will keep spreading.)
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