The Russo / Finland conflict is an interesting study. Also interesting is the career of the Finnish leader Mannerheim. Finland, while losing some territory to the Soviet Union, was the only German ally that emerged from WW2 somewhat unscathed. It has been suggested by many historians and indeed by direct quotes from Hitler, that the Finns humbling of the Soviet military strengthened Hitlers belief that the Soviets would be rather easy to defeat in a clash of arms.
Ukraine has a new toy: a jet-powered drone. Maybe this will be used to distract Russian defenses when the F-16's go in on bombing runs. Ukraine's Jet Powered UJ-25 Skyline Drone Appears On Battlefield
Excellent idea. I remember suggesting it in spring 2022 along with other common-sense measures that would have increased pressure on Russia while keeping us short of general war.
Poor Russia. Can’t even get a Santa stunt right without bringing on a public travesty. No wonder combined arms and air superiority are so challenging. Children watch in horror as Russian Santa falls to his death during stunt Wasn’t there a Married With Children episode along these lines?
This thread has been so full of junk I may just go back to posting daily updates summarized by dailykos. Ukraine Invasion Day 668: Xmas comes on 25 December
Ouch. Combat aged too. I wonder how this clearly able bodied combat aged fellow managed to avoid service in the trenches...
Business Insider thinks that China and Russia are on the verge of a military partnership that could threaten the U.S. Gee, I wonder where I heard that before? I don't think either one would stick their nose in the fire to protect the other, but I could see one supplying the other during a conflict or hindering assistance to the other's enemy in some way. Either way, if we do not make sure that Russia gets defeated in Ukraine, get ready for a wild ride on the Arms Race Unlimited and the Inflation Express. It's a shame that people are foolish enough to support Congressmen who put treason and obstructionism above national interests. Russia and China are on the brink of a military alliance that could overwhelm the US (
Ukraine Invasion Day 670: Xmas, air defense claims another Su-34 daily update. Ukraine hanging tough but their supplies are dwindling and they probably run out in early spring 2024 without new shipments from the eu and us. if they can just get another tranche of supplies they can probably hold out until f16s are in the air. Further, the longer they hold out the better defense production becomes both in Ukraine and in the west. They really need the us and eu to get their shit together tho.
Even if only a few of them make it past Russia's dwindling air defense systems, Russia could lose the use of some of its oil refineries and weapons factories west of the Urals. Could shorten the war. A couple of 1,000-lb bombs could easily take a refinery off-line for weeks, if not months, especially if there are secondary explosions. Same for weapons factories. I would like to see Russia 100% reliant on North Korean munitions . . .
That kind of deep strike is better for long-range missiles. Since Russia has failed in a laughingly embarrassing manner to even sniff air superiority, why not reinforce success by using the F16s primarily in a CAS role? Russia has proven their IADS is kind of a joke, at least in how it extends to the front. Ukraine has successfully used artillery to suppress enemy air defenses, then bring in CAS in a coordinated manner. If they can pull that off middling old Soviet equipment, then F16s are going to fare even better. I don’t think they try to use them outside of tube artillery range across the front.
Laughing at “laughingly embarrassing manner to sniff air superiority.” With modern air defense, gone are the days of flying over enemy lines with impunity. This ain’t the 90’s US Air Force and third-world ack-ack guns.