He'll be like the evangelist Jim Bakker when the day came for him to go to prison. They had to go to his home and drag him out crying from under the couch.
You'll have a Civil War before you get anywhere close to Trump. You won't just be going to Trump, you'll be going through thousands of his supporters.
And if that unlikely event should occur they will end up like his supporters that stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Jan. 6 sentences are piling up. Here's a look at some of the longest handed down. And some could end up like this guy. Man who tried to breach FBI office killed after standoff
Cool story bro. Point remains Biden would absolutely peacefully transfer power. Just like Obama did. Trump is the only shithead that didn’t. Deal with it.
Not a horrible thing to happen for what you believe in. I can't wait for your meltdown when Trump gets back into office and every single January 6th political prisoner is pardoned. I hope Congress does the right thing as well and provide at least $10/million in compensation to each January 6th political prisoners. As far as I'm concerned by the end of it they should own DC. And the people who put them behind bars should be the ones in prison themselves.
Unlike Trump, Biden is a gentleman who puts America first. Of course he'll concede defeat JUST LIKE EVERY LOSER IN AMERICAN HISTORY.....UNTIL NARCISSISTIC TRUMP.
Good Lord, its hard to believe anyone with even half a brain thinks like you! People like you threaten everything this moderate democrat fought for.
That's good to hear because I want to see this corrupt Government torn down to its very core. This country needs to be destroyed so it can be rebuilt. It's sad it has to be that way but sometimes the quickest way to heaven is straight through hell. Sadly at my age I wouldn't see the other side of it, I would experience the hell aspect without getting back to heaven. But at this point it's inevitable. I do feel for people like you. You fought for a mirage. You fought for the rich liberal elite to enrich themselves. Your service is commendable but sadly, with our country in its current state, you largely fought for nothing.
Y'all know this new poster is the same old poster who got banned for being a white nationalist, right?
I don't hate America but I hate what it's become. A country with no pillars. A country that stands for nothing. A country that tries to be everything for everyone and because of that is nothing to no one. A country that doesn't even enforce its own laws. A country where right is wrong and wrong is right. A country that has forgotten what it made it great and has betrayed its very founding. A country that has turned its back on and betrayed God. This country for a long time was a good country. A country with a good soul. That country no longer exists. This is no longer a good country. It is an evil country. It is a selfish country. The emperor has no clothes and hasn't for awhile. Trump tried to help save it but he underestimated the power of the corrupt elite and the deep state. Even if Trump gets back in I don't think he can save it. It sounds contradictory but I think the only way to potentially save the country is to, at least temporary, let it completely burn. New life can rise from the ashes and perhaps that is what the U.S. needs. Because the U.S. as it stands now is going nowhere good. Knowing our corrupt Government they will try band aid after band aid. That will lead the U.S. to being a third world level country within a century.