I saw this and saw the dark humor in it as well. You mean to tell me that if you win the election you’ll be a good sport about it? How generous.
Will Biden commit to a peaceful transfer of power if Trump wins the 2024 Election? Biden has said on several occasions he views Trump as a dictator and a threat to Democracy. Will he use that to say he can't in good conscience give power to Trump. It's always Trump you ask about a peaceful transfer of power. I want Biden to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses.
Trump is literally the only president in the history of our country who didn’t partake in peaceful transfer of power. Ever. Say what you will about Biden but he’s no traitor.
And Trump is the only President in recent time who has actually cared about the people. Cared about Middle America, the Middle America you Coastal Democrat Elites wish just didn't exist. And again no mention of Stacey Abrams who to this day never conceded the Georgia Governor Election. But once again different standards if you have a D by your name. So by your standards if Trump, the man Biden says is a threat to Democracy, beats Biden, will Biden step aside and have a peaceful transfer of power?
First of all, lmao at your first paragraph. Really drinking the kool aid. Secondly, yes, Biden would absolutely show up to Trump’s inauguration for a peaceful transfer of power just like every other president ever save for that orange traitorous piece of shit you worship.
Trump cares more about the middle class and middle America than any of your Communist Liberals ever will, that's for sure. Your candidates call good salt of the earth God fearing middle class white Americans (and not ashamed of being white) deplorable. The same middle class Americans Biden has all but destroyed. On a more individual note. If Trump is re-elected, will you be leaving the Country with some of your fellow Liberals? I'd like to know because I would be happy to help pay for your plane ticket. Like with everything else Liberals project onto others what they really are. Liberals call Trump authoritarian when they themselves are the ones who really want and dream of an authoritarian country where the Government is all powerful and never questioned. I would argue what Colorado did last week is far more of a threat to Democracy than anything Trump ever did while in office. I personally hope red states respond in kind by taking Biden off the ballot. Would love to see Biden removed from the ballot in Texas. As far as I'm concerned Biden should be arrested and put on trial for treason for his dereliction of duty at the border. I would also say that for any illegal immigrant who killed a U.S. citizen while they were here, Biden should face nothing less than the death penalty. Of course Biden will be dead of old age long before a death penalty would actually be administered but he should be the one on trial. The irony is stuff like the Colorado court decision only helps Trump. I honestly was kind of done with Trump before the Colorado decision last week. Ready for someone knew. Would've voted for Trump in the General if the nominee but was probably going to go with DeSantis in the primary. After the Colorado decision last week I'm back all in for Trump. If for nothing else as an "f*ck DC" vote. And it's about more than Trump, it's about sending another message to the DC elite. Their time is over.