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Any more Ukraine aid is to tied to securing our southern border

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by cocodrilo, Dec 12, 2023.

  1. tampagtr

    tampagtr VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Ron Johnson is soulless. It is a scourge upon our nation that he holds elected office
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  2. thelouisianagator

    thelouisianagator Senior

    Dec 24, 2023
    Why do we need to make this country even more overcrowded? Have you not seen where our interstates are increasingly congested? Our hospitals are increasingly overwhelmed? Our social services are on the verge of collapse? Our schools are failing in every aspect? Heck here in Florida they can't build new schools fast enough and that impacts the education of everyone. Even in the liberal haven of NYC they are asking for Federal Government assistance because they can't handle the surge. Yet Democrats expect Texas to handle the surge every single day. I would argue perhaps the country needs to have a population decline for a decade or two.

    The U.S. population "officially" (not counting those here illegally) is right around 340 million. The 1990 U.S. population level was around 250 million. I believe around 250-300 million is the sweet spot for the U.S. population where we have a robust economy but do not suffer from the current overcrowding.

    While many may be seeking the American dream, you can not be naive enough to believe that every immigrant is doing that. There are plenty of people using our open southern border to get drugs into the country. There are plenty of people who probably have terrorist ties (whether it's to China, North Korea or the Middle East) pretending to be immigrants. And there are plenty of immigrants who are simply wanting to come here to get a free handout and be on social programs. There are a lot of immigrants coming here who are NOT seeking the American dream.

    As a Conservative you want to know my opinion? Shut down the border and overhaul the immigration system. No immigrant at the border is allowed to enter the U.S. until all immigrants who actually go through the legal process and are attempting to do it the correct way are given citizenship. During that period you overhaul the immigration system to make it a far easier and more streamlined process. The new immigration system would require the immigrant to apply for U.S. citizenship at the U.S. Embassy in their home country (or closet country with a U.S. Embassy). At that time the immigrant would formally apply for citizenship and go through an interview process. A thorough background check would be performed. If no issues are found during the interview and background check they pay a set fee for the process (say $1,000/person) and are granted citizenship. There would be a set limit of 500,000 immigrants allowed each year to prevent the U.S. from being overwhelmed.

    For those at the border they are turned away and advised of this process to apply for U.S. citizenship at the U.S. Embassy in their home country. You bring back remain in Mexico for those immigrants at the border asking for asylum. The immigrants asking for asylum will be required to stay in Mexico until their hearing date. Only at that point, if the asylum claim is considered to be valid and is approved, would the immigrant be allowed to enter the U.S. Hire more judges to speed along the process with the goal being the immigrant would not need to wait in Mexico longer than 6 months. But the immigrants claiming asylum do not enter U.S. soil until the hearing date.

    You mandate E-Verify nationally, making it impossible for an illegal immigrant to get a job in the United States. Make it to where an illegal immigrant can't get a job, can't go to an airport or train station, can't get medical care and can't enroll their kids in school if they are illegal. You have to make it painful to be an illegal immigrant in this country. Sure if the illegal immigrant gets sick they aren't turned away from the hospital, but then the hospital will be legally required to report that the individual has no documentation to the authorities. The authorities greet the illegal immigrant when they are discharged from the hospital. If the illegal immigrant can provide any type of documentation (ID, Passport, Social Security Card, Birth Certificate, Permanent Resident Card, etc.) then they are allowed to stay in the country. If they are not they are detained to confirm their status. If their status is confirmed to be an illegal immigrant they are immediately deported from the country.

    You secure the border by completing the wall, having armed security covering the wall in the more populated areas and then drone coverage and other video surveillance is the more remote areas. You built the wall deep into the ground so that immigrants can not tunnel under the wall. You also electrify or put barbed wire on top of the wall to again deter immigrants from climbing over the wall.

    You can be both. You can be for both border security and a proper legal immigration approach. The problem is we try to push two issues into one and because of that nothing gets done. Shut down immigration temporarily, reinstate remain in Mexico for those "claiming" asylum at the border, complete the wall and overhaul the legal immigration process to have it streamlined. Everything I just proposed is rational and realistic.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2023
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  3. AzCatFan

    AzCatFan GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    First, plenty of mixed cultures in the US, including Hispanic, African, and others. Refugees from Africa are much more likely to find a receptive culture in the US over Mexico.

    Second, asylum also allows for family reunification. Any family member living here legally and immigrants can bypass other countries.

    Third, Mexico is taking in more refugees than any time in their history. But the flow of migrants coming from African nations, and C. plus S. American nations is too great for any one country.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  4. AzCatFan

    AzCatFan GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    As a conservative, your proposal would cost billions in tax monies arming the border. Would also cost billions ensuring e-verify in all areas, as rural areas aren't equipped. And, it would cost billions in potential lost revenue as there are 8 million undocumented immigrants in our work force. Not to mention, the inflation that comes with labor shortages.
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  5. thelouisianagator

    thelouisianagator Senior

    Dec 24, 2023
    And yet you expect the U.S., especially Texas, to take the entire flow. So it's too much for Mexico but not too much for the U.S.

    With all due respect family reunification is a secondary concern of mine. "My country being a shithole country" is not a valid claim for asylum. Would you like to clarify to me when it did? Asylum was for political persecution/political oppression.

    There are many more stable countries closer to Africa and South American than the U.S.

    Why are Africans not claiming asylum in countries like South Africa, Egypt or Turkey? Why are South Americans not claiming asylum in countries like Costa Rica or Mexico?
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  6. thelouisianagator

    thelouisianagator Senior

    Dec 24, 2023
    Honestly I'm okay with the increased cost knowing it's Americans who are getting the jobs. That wages are going to Americans who will keep the money in the country and not just send all the money out of the country like most immigrants do.

    Have you ever seen the immigrants on pay day? There are lines at Walmarts and other places for immigrants sending money back to their home country. That is money leaving the U.S. That is money that will never get back to the U.S. and hurts the U.S. economy.

    You claim all of this will cost billions. I know that. But isn't it hypocritical of you to say that? We don't have billions to help the immigrants and help our national security but we have billions to give to Ukraine as a blank check? We have the money.

    Reduce some of the spending for the IRS, FBI and CIA. Lean down the unofficial fourth branch of government and the three letter agencies. Stop being the world's policeman and reduce our global military budget. Do some of these things are you easily recoup the billions of dollars spent for things that will actually help national security.
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  7. AzCatFan

    AzCatFan GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    When was the last time you saw American citizens working traditional immigrants jobs? Tell me how this math will work out with US citizens taking immigrant jobs when there are currently 8 million undocumented in our written force, and about 5.5 million on unemployment. And average time on unemployment is about 3 months.

    There's a reason why no politician has followed through on deporting millions and spending billions on border security before Trump's rhetoric to try. Doing so would wreck our economy. It would add billions to the debt, while causing billions of business losses, while causing mass inflation. What politician would want any of this? And stupid ones.

    Agriculture alone is a $100 billion industry in the US with immigrants picking at minimum, half the crops. It's simple economics that if we remove their labor, and don't replace it, food demands stay relatively flat, supply goes way down, prices go way up. Meanwhile, tens, if not hundred of millions of dollars literally dies on the vine.

    The answer is a Gang of 8 style plan. Expanded guest worker with pathway to citizenship. Or return home after work Visa ends. Anything else is destined to fail.
    • Winner Winner x 3
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  8. slayerxing

    slayerxing GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 14, 2007
    Some of the isolationist thinking on this stuff is so illogical yet they claim it is common sense. Drives me nuts.

    You can’t just “shut down” a 2000 mile border. The idea that people won’t come across is ridiculous. You’d have to draft a million men and deploy them all to the border with all the corresponding logistics and equipment to have any chance of stopping anyone.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  9. philnotfil

    philnotfil GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Do this and end birthright citizenship for children born to illegals, and the illegal immigration problem goes away.
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  10. philnotfil

    philnotfil GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Alabama and Georgia tried a while back, and after costing their states hundreds of millions in lost agricultural production, quickly ended their experiments.

    Make it easier for temporary legal workers to be here, and harder for illegal immigrants to be here.
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  11. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
    From the guy who doesn’t appreciate why Russia didn’t conquer Ukraine in three days.
  12. swampbabe

    swampbabe GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Viera, FL
    This. I saw an interview with a former Republican member of Congress who said straight up that the Republicans don’t want any kind of deal/legislation.

    Too easy to rile up the smooth brains. God forbid we ACTUALLY do something.
  13. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
    The GOP needs this issue just like the Democrats needed imaginary pathogen.
  14. thelouisianagator

    thelouisianagator Senior

    Dec 24, 2023
    How many able bodied Americans do we have on food stamps and other government programs? How many abled bodied Americans do we have in our prison season? I say put all of them to work in the fields. They can truly earn the food they eat. That alone would be several million Americans in the fields.

    I'm not against work Visas where they come here for a season and then leave. As long as the Companies take all responsibility for their transportation to and from the U.S. And yes that means someone from each Company ensures that each one of them get on a plane back to their home country. If even one person stays past their Visa end date then that Company loses their right to bring in immigrant labor for the next season. And they still have to go through a background check to prove no criminal history or terrorist ties.

    Is it really too much to ask that immigrants come through the proper legal channels?

    I will never support a pathway to citizenship idea so you can forget that right now. I would vote against any political, including Republicans, who would try that. And I'm honestly only open to a Visa program for seasonal immigrant labor if the Companies can prove the need is there and wouldn't take jobs from Americans.

    The only pathway to citizenship I support are for the children of illegal immigrants already here, as long as they are up to date on their income taxes and commit to 2 years of civil service. And only as a one time exception to allow the children of illegal immigrants.

    To do any other pathway to citizenship would do nothing but encourage more mass immigration. I know you all don't want to hear this, but the United States can not support the entire third world. By allowing unlimited uncontrolled mass immigration, you will do nothing but be the cause of the destruction of this country.

    And you know who you would hurt the most? The immigrants you claim to champion. Taking away the hope of America and replacing it with an America that is no different than the third world country they are trying to escape. To make America no different than the third world, making those immigrant's sacrifice all for nothing. We are going down that path now if unlimited uncontrolled mass immigration continues.
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  15. swampbabe

    swampbabe GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Viera, FL
    Information is at your fingertips

    About a Third of Families Who Received Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Benefits Had Two or More People Working

    These people are working and a big chunk are the elderly and children.
    • Winner Winner x 2
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  16. thelouisianagator

    thelouisianagator Senior

    Dec 24, 2023
    100% and thank you for bringing this up. I was going to bring it up in the original post. End of birthright citizenship, period. At birth you are a citizen of the same country as your mother. It's really pretty simple.
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 2
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  17. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
  18. thelouisianagator

    thelouisianagator Senior

    Dec 24, 2023
    So because a few might get through don't even bother trying? Do you apply that same standard to all aspects of your life. According to your thinking no one should ever install a security system in their home. Security systems are defeated all the time. So none of us should ever bother putting in a security system in our homes right?

    Why lock our cars? Thieves can break into locked cars rather easily. So don't even try to prevent the thieves from stealing our cars.

    I'll say it right back at you, people like you who say to not even bother because a few might get by honestly get me. Like you said it's so illogical and lacks any common sense. The common sense approach is you try to defend yourself. You try to prevent the car thief from stealing your car. You try to prevent the home invader from entering your car.

    I never said the entirety of the wall would be manned, only the heavy traffic areas. The majority of the wall would be covered by video surveillance, including drone coverage. Any immigrants who enter illegally in those sections would be recorded and then at that point border patrol could be dispatched to that area. You might not stop every illegal immigrant but you sure as heck stop most of them by putting in these procedures.
  19. slayerxing

    slayerxing GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 14, 2007
    what you’re suggesting would cost a ridiculous amount of money to man, maintain, and supply. If you want more border security agents great. You want to use more drones great. But building a wall is just not a cost effective approach to border security. Hell that money would be better spent paying smugglers not to smuggle lol.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2023
  20. swampbabe

    swampbabe GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Viera, FL
    I would suggest that you actually look at a map. It may clear up some of your misconceptions
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1