Robbery 101. If you are going to rob a business, do not leave the getaway car unattended with the engine running. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times: hire a getaway driver. There is nothing worse than busting out of a store ready to make a dramatic, speeding getaway and realizing that your car has been stolen. Your insurance company and the police will not get it back to you in time for your getaway. This country is going to hell in a handbasket, so you really can't trust "innocent bystanders" anymore. They are not innocent, and they don't stand by like they are supposed to. There is nothing more pathetic than a robber trying to thumb his way down the road after a big robbery. And you never know if your car will have a few scratches on it when you get it back. Thief Steals Armed Robbers’ Getaway Car
In another unfolding tragedy, Fast Meat has been stolen. The article does not indicate the crime that the drivers of Fast Meat were perpetrating, but a salt and battering and cholesterol poisoning are suspected. If you have seen Fast Meat, please call the LAPD (don't worry, they get calls like this all the time). Someone Stole Fast Meat Someone Stole Fast Meat
The guy that had his getaway car stolen ranks right up there with this guy for the award as the dumbest bank robber. Missouri man robs bank, uses birth certificate to write demand note Or this guy. Man accused of robbing bank wrote own name on deposit slip demanding money, prosecutors say