Can anyone tell me what this new Trump campaign slogan is supposed to mean? Is anyone here faced with the choice? You're gonna live free or die? You'd think we were living in Ukraine or something.
Dusting off a rallying cry from the revolutionary days, sort of like that old "don't tread on me" flag making a reappearance in recent years. ironic since the gop is all about taking rights away from people, but " you do you".
How fun would that be? Trumped up ( pun intended) charges that you burned a flag, stripped of citizenship, then deported. How very russian that sounds.
I think Trump has thrown that slogan around since 2016. And I'm sure that he and his supporters think he's all about being free ... to retaliate against all the people who have done them wrong.
Live Free or Die is the state motto of New Hampshire. It was displayed on a banner in one of the Orange One's rallies in the granite state. It's also on the state's license plates.
Thanks. So that's why all those people behind him were holding up those "Live Free or Die" signs at his Trumpberg rally. Though frankly I think all the people gathered behind him at those rallies should be holding signs saying "Look at us a**holes."
Its the first episode of season 5 of Breaking Bad, a real banger if I recall. I think Trump is announcing he's going into the meth business with some neo Nazis.
It would be more appropriate for Trumpers to reword it, "we want to live free of others doing what we don't want or they should die."
How does anyone think this is a Trump slogan? I've seen it my whole life. Usually on the back of a biker jacket.
I think the question is more like why is he adopting it, no one thinks he invented it. Is it just like when Dad started the "I'm a libertarian" thread?
You never know. Trump might think he invented it. Trump tells The Economist he invented the phrase ‘priming the pump’
Sure, to a degree. But isn't most partisan political discussion, particularly on a message board like this? But you have to admit that there's a lot of irony to Trump acting like he's all about freedom when he's said, for example, he wants to take over the FCC so he can punish news networks that said stuff he didn't like.
It's kind of hard to make something out of something that doesn't exist. At least based on what I know about physics. Although I've read that the universe itself may be a vacuum fluctuation. IOW it came out of nothing. What I wonder about is where the hell Donald Trump came from. His mind is a vacuum that certainly fluctuates. What do physicists think about him?