There's been a lot of talk about whether a show like 'All in the Family' would air today That was the only one of his shows I watched, and I doubt I'd like it today. But you can't deny his accomplishments and impact. And, this being Too Hot, Lear was also very political himself. He founded People for the American Way to oppose the Christian right. Norman Lear, Whose Comedies Changed the Face of TV, Is Dead at 101 Norman Lear, iconic TV and movie producer, dies at 101 | CNN Norman Lear, legendary screenwriter and producer, dead at 101
People always told me that the older we get, the more often we're going to read or hear about celebrities and friends dying. I'm middle aged and already getting tired of it. At least cases like this and Mrs. Carter, we know that had long and full lives.
You can stream All in the Family on Prime and elsewhere. Why don't you think you'd like it today? It's great.
Carol O’Conner nailed that role. I watched with my parents growing up and they thought Archie was the every man hero of the show instead of the racist, sexist bigot that he is. I don’t know when I realized they weren’t celebrating Archie’s views but were lampooning them.
Why wouldn’t you like All in the Family today? It’s funny as hell and Archie is an obvious racist that is portrayed as a jerk and someone who occasionally disrespects his wife. He’s the joke of the show.
Watch a “Last Man Standing” episode where the neighbor and his wife who are AA are spoken to by the white family. Tim Allen plays the dad and talks to his AA neighbor with subtle racist comments. His wife gets in occasional shots also. Funny as hell if you have a sense of humor. It’s like a modern day “All in the Family” light.
I know that I will get several "Come On Man" ratings and also being accused of being afflicted with TDS that being said if Norman Lear produced a modern version of All in the Family Archie would be wearing a red MAGA hat.
Your name being Homer, Homer Simpson and Archie are essentially the same character. The flawed screw-up dad who ultimately has a good heart.
The Simpsons have been around so long, there isnt a consistent Homer. There's a period on the show people call the "Jerk Ass Homer" era.
I didn't wish to damage your spotless post, so allow me to be the first to say it here: COME ON MAN!!! Norman Lear created the perfect character for the time it was written...but it's not for today's America.
Archie mellowed over time. He went from being an out and out bigot and a reactionary to a curmudgeon whose political views were not out of the ordinary for a white man of his generation. Lear clearly had genuine affection for the character and didn't want the audience to hate him.