I like the way you think, but there’s a reason that we didn’t bring Pershing back to active service to fight in WW2, though he was an outstanding general in WW1.
I was hoping he might run for President...nah, he's too smart to be interested in that job. Never mind, I guess OC will have to suffice.
If I remember correctly that shot was of him watching the Miami game in 2019 right after Franks threw a completely ridiculous interception. I think SOS knew that Trask should have been starting as well as many others according to a few things I read. He is a classic. Gotta love the Head Ball Coach!
I loved Frank’s and he had some great moments and games. But I also remember a defense back, or possibly even a linebacker standing in the flats with no one around, and Franks drilled him in the chest with the ball.
Our line was decent the year before. It’s players to me not tge coaches. Oline recruiting has been below average for years for a team that aspires to beat top teams. Our defense was bad but there are some young guys showing some promise and may get going in the right direction this year with a few key portal pieces. The oline, I don’t see that two year pipeline that’s giving me hope for them. They need a couple portal guys just to possibly be sec average. It has to get better if we are to get better. The better los wins tge game and we are way behind.
Reminds me of his famous line to a young Danny Wuerfel after he had just thrown a bad interception. Something to the effect of, "Don't worry, it's not your fault Danny, it's my fault for playing you."
I was never 100% comfortable with him running the offense. Thought he was prone to making bad decisions, a bit of a gunslinger.