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BLM Leader Endorses Trump

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by Contra, Nov 28, 2023.

  1. mrhansduck

    mrhansduck GC Hall of Fame

    Nov 23, 2021
    Actually, there is polling suggesting that Trump has improved numbers with Black men, Hispanic men, and blue collar men generally. Whatever the reason(s) for that, even a relatively small percentage change could matter in some states and so it has to be taken seriously. Having said that, I recall hearing about racial or ethnic minorities "leaving the plantation" for as long as I can remember. It's always going to be this time. I specifically recall the WalkAway Campaign encouraging liberals to leave Democrats and people suggesting there was going to be a major shake up. Not surprisingly, the guy who was the face of that group wound up getting arrested in connection with January 6th, and it also turned out that Alex Jones was a very early contributor.

    WalkAway campaign - Wikipedia
    • Winner Winner x 1
  2. okeechobee

    okeechobee GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 11, 2022
    It's because Trump actually walked the walk when it came to commuting sentences, particularly within the black community. It doesn't help that Biden is rightly remembered as one of the architects of Clinton's infamous crime bill in the mid 90s. Add Kamala to that mix and you have two people who have brutalized the black community. It's no wonder Trump has made inroads where other GOP candidates haven't been able to.
  3. okeechobee

    okeechobee GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 11, 2022
    It's getting to where half the country thinks the Jan 6th rioters are political prisoners. Makes me think perhaps I should step back and reevaluate. I don't think Trump won the election and I don't condone any violence, but if half the country is willing to go to blows over the 2020 Election, maybe I'm missing something.
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  4. gatordavisl

    gatordavisl VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    northern MN
    Hey, don't knock it. BLM is HUGE in Rhode Island.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  5. VAg8r1

    VAg8r1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Trump was also the same guy who called for the reinstatement of the death penalty for the Central Park 5, all of which were Black or Hispanic and even after they were exonerated he never apologized.
    Angered by Attack, Trump Urges Return Of the Death Penalty (Published 1989)
    Trump Will Not Apologize for Calling for Death Penalty Over Central Park Five (Published 2019)
  6. VAg8r1

    VAg8r1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Maybe more than half of Republicans believe that the rioters are political prisoners, certainly not even close to half of the country.
    What the polls say about the Jan. 6 investigation — and another Trump indictment
  7. Contra

    Contra GC Hall of Fame

    May 15, 2023
    How many minutes did you watch? Be honest. LMAO if you sat there and watched the whole thing.
    • Like Like x 2
  8. uftaipan

    uftaipan GC Hall of Fame

    May 31, 2007
    Fresno, CA
    I’m pretty sure that’s just for the primaries. Of course, if you’re a Democrat, then you would want to run against Trump. It’s a virtual guarantee of victory in the general election. In fairness, I said the same thing in 2016, but we also hadn’t seen a Trump Presidency yet, and now we have.

    But there is a risk in that strategy just like there was last time. All of the Democrat surreptitious support of Trump to help him get the nomination (such as sitting on the Access Hollywood tape during the primaries) backfired in November. If it really is about country over party, then the time to make sure Trump never again assumes the office is right now. Worry about the general after the conventions.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  9. docspor

    docspor GC Hall of Fame

    Nov 30, 2010
    virtual guarantee sounds like you'd go at least go 2-1 on a bet? I'm in.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Contra

    Contra GC Hall of Fame

    May 15, 2023
    I think the man in the OP is wrong about the rest of the conservative field. There are a few candidates better than Trump. I think we need a conservative in the White House, and there is no reason that Trump needs to be the GOP candidate, although that looks more and more likely as each day passes.
  11. docspor

    docspor GC Hall of Fame

    Nov 30, 2010
    What in god's name are you babbling about? When has the GOP EVER run a conservative? Name 1? oh, maybe you can tell us how Trump was/is a conservative. Was it the S. Korea trade deal, New Nafta, the tariffs, his begging for neg int rates? Was it his welfare jobs program where he had taxpayers pay $820,000 per job "saved". Was it his calling on flag burners to be jailed? His war on drugs? His massive spending? His publically conspiring with a cartel to RAISE the price of oil? His utter disregard for the constitution?

    edit. wait, it was trying to buy Greenland, right? Or, asking Merkel 17 times about a trade deal....LOL
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2023
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  12. Contra

    Contra GC Hall of Fame

    May 15, 2023
    I’m not here to defend Trump. He’s not POTUS. Biden is, and the dumpster fire that is going on in geopolitics and the rest of the world is his fault. He’s a weak and incompetent leader. You can argue semantics about what is or is not a conservative. Fine. But there is someone out there who is not a royal disaster like our clueless figure head who can be a fine president.
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  13. lacuna

    lacuna philologist VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Redlands, Colorado
    I watched and listened to the whole thing. Nothing better to do or watch while I tugged on the stuck chime weight chain on my grandfather clock at advanced 15 minute intervals for a half hour or so. Fixed it, too.

    What struck me was Fisher's crossed arms against chest body language, indicating resistance, stress, and discomfort in his situation. In self protective positioning he continually and ignorantly babbled his endorsement of Trump. All the while likely aware he was lying, as he intentionally avoided answering specific questions and facts that would easily demolish his reasons for supporting Trump from a platform cobbled together with planks poorly chosen in gross ignorance. I'm cynical enough to wonder how much Fisher expects to receive for supporting Trump.
    • Informative Informative x 2
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  14. uftaipan

    uftaipan GC Hall of Fame

    May 31, 2007
    Fresno, CA
    Uh, yeah, if you were to take Trump in the general election right now, then I would take those odds. But he would have to win, no matter what. Any condition that keeps him out (death, stroke, ruled ineligible, prison) results in my win.
  15. enviroGator

    enviroGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 12, 2007
    So much wrong in one little paragraph.

    The current mess in Ukraine and Israel are not Biden's fault. How ridiculous.

    Putin has wanted Ukraine for awhile. He had hoped Trump would win and pull the US out of NATO. He didn't, we didn't, so he decided it was time to attack. Trump called him a "genius" thinking mighty Russia would just roll over Ukraine. But as usual, he was wrong.

    Hamas has hated Israel forever. They attacked, and bit off more then they could chew by far. Trump called them "Humus" and asked his supporters to tell him what to think about them.

    You seem to be misreading "measured response" with weakness. But that isn't surprising as you and other MAGAs seem to confuse authoritarians with "strong leaders."
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  16. gatorchamps960608

    gatorchamps960608 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 4, 2020
    Read any defense of Trump here or anywhere and your 2nd paragraph above describes it. It's always like the 4th grader on the playground that responds to correct accusations with "nuh-uh!"
  17. UFLawyer

    UFLawyer GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    now the Dems can finally proclaim truthfully that Trump is endorsed by racist…

    • Creative Creative x 1
  18. UFLawyer

    UFLawyer GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    and you guys claim “Trumpsters” are sheep.

    • Winner Winner x 2
  19. G8tas

    G8tas GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 22, 2008
    Who is that?
  20. G8tas

    G8tas GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 22, 2008
    Of course they are. That's not debatable
    • Informative Informative x 1