My granddaughter is biracial. I’ve bought her brown and beige dolls. None of the colors white or black were available. As a matter of fact, I haven’t seen white or black dolls in my lifetime, unless they were porcelain. My AA friends growing up had pictures of “black” Jesus in their homes. Don’t remember getting upset or confused and I was a kid. Society needs to take care of real issues like homelessness, hunger, crime, medical insurance, jobs, environment, etc. But no, no damn way will that happen.
Of course, the ridiculous part of this is not that someone is trying to convince us that there are gay ballet dancers or that Santa is black, when we all know he's white. But they're really trying to convince us that Santa Claus could visit every single home in the world, including climbing down millions of chimneys in a single night ... in a wheelchair? How stupid does Target think people are?
I know maga considers empathy a weakness. But for young kids with physical challenges, seeing stuff like that in stores and people like them can be a big deal. “He recognized another boy like him, smiling and laughing on a display at Target. Oliver sees kids every day, but he never gets to see kids like him. This was amazing! I am so happy that other kids that pass through here with their parents, will see this! “ Boy in Wheelchair Left Awestruck After Seeing Target Store Ad Featuring Boy ‘Like Him’ Boy and soccer player without forearm bond in heartwarming photo - National |
I don't think Woke Corporations went hard enough this year, that Fox lady was just going through the motions. Target shoulda done a tuckable Santa costume or something.
That is the result when you have nothing better to do in your miserable existence than go looking for things to get upset about.
BTW, this is the nutcracker that the good folks at Fox are worried is "sexualizing Christmas for children."
One nutty Fox contributor does not a majority make. Literally every Christian that has spent five minutes in a real church knows that Jesus was not white in the sense that many think of "white". The being bothered by black santa thing is just racial motivation and isnt limited to any group .....sadly