Dear Governor Newsom: You suck. You suck so bad that if sucking was an Olympic sport, you would dominate with Gold Medals. If sucking were a pizza topping, you would be better than pepperoni. Love & Kisses UFLawyer Armed homeowner who defended family in driveway shoot-out says he's been stripped of gun permit California is the worst run state in America. What a waste of its beautiful topography. Taking away this man’s conceal carry permit for defending himself ( and his family) from armed vermin…… California sucks!
I came this () close to moving to LA in 2013. I don’t know what I was thinking, but I clearly dodged a bullet. Bonus: why San Francisco was cleaned up for Xi, but not for thee … The Meaning Of Xi's Visit To San Francisco | ZeroHedge
He should lose it. The would be robbers fled after he pulled out the weapon and he chased them. Stupid and dangerous move on his part.
Well this thread is the exact wet fart that I thought it would be... Thanks for reminding me there are more ridiculous people than my mother, OP.
That's not even why he lost it, he disrespected those notoriously left-wing liberal thugs in the LAPD
I think we can all agree in light of this abuse of power by the police, we should look into defunding them and/or reigning in their power
He was also entitled enough to piss off the cops investigating the incident, I think he'd make sergeant in no time
So, the implication here is that the state government, led by Newsom, revoked his permit simply because he defended his family and home against armed robbers. Instead, it appears the local police revoked it over the way he dealt with the police investigating the incident.
These days respect is something everyone wants but is unwilling to give. Disrespecting teachers, cops, firefighters, and any other low wage person trying to do their job is now not only considered acceptable behavior, but is cheered by others.
Wait ... if one reads some of the threads on Too Woke For Swamp Gas .... cops are just a bunch of criminals themselves. So, why should the LA County Sheriff have the power to deny an American citizen's right to a CCW just because the valid CCW holder was "mean" to a couple of county investigators?? Heck, if the lousy LA County Sheriff/criminals had been doing their government employee jobs, the miscreants that attacked this guy would have already been in jail and this would never had happened. So, this guy loses his CCW because the LA County Sheriff/criminal department is incompetent?