Yeah, just wonderful when the country you are born in requires / forces one to be a shrapnel carrier for pointless aggression.
We had to. If we stopped at the border, before Iraq's army was damaged badly enough, then Iraq would have been back in Kuwait a week after our army left the region. Most of Iraq's army was between Kuwait and Baghdad.
The operational design was that the right wing of the ground force (mostly the Marines and Arab Coalition forces) would fix the main body of the Iraqi Army in place in Kuwait, and the left wing (U.S. Army, France, and other allies) would swing around and encircle the Iraqi Army, especially the Republican Guard forces, from the rear. A couple of things did not go according to plan. First, unknown to us at the time, Saddam had withdrawn the Republican Guard units in the preceding weeks, so only regular army units were left in Kuwait. Second, instead of putting up the expected resistance, Iraqi Army units ended up surrendering in mass or retreating in a disorganized manner via the only road out of Kuwait; consequently the right wing advanced much faster than planned, and the left wing was never able to complete its encirclement. Third, the aforementioned only road out of Kuwait (now known to history as the “Highway of Death”) became a shooting gallery for the Coalition air forces; when President Bush saw the carnage being broadcasted on television, he pushed for a ceasefire as soon as possible (again, before the left wing could finish trapping Saddam’s army) to mitigate an information disaster that would have Americans depicted as butchers for unnecessarily killing an army in full retreat. It’s easy to say now in 2023, but it probably would have been better if the President had just called an end to the bombing and let the ground offensive continue to trap the Iraqi Army. A lot of Saddam’s shenanigans that followed over the next 12 years probably would not have happened if he had been handed a defeat he couldn’t deny in 1991, and there probably would not have been another Iraq War in 2003. But who knows?
another major russian weapons depot blown up. need more and more of this Major blow for Putin after ‘kamikaze drone strike’ destroys missile base ( Ammunition at a Russian military base has gone up in flames after a huge explosion was triggered. The inferno erupted after a suspected kamikaze drone strike on the supply depot near Volgograd in the early hours of Thursday morning. Footage shows a massive fireball swirling from the Russian Ministry of Defence facility, believed to be filled with missiles, at around 1am. An external drone attack has not been ruled at the army base in Kotluban village, given it was previously attacked by Ukraine in September. ‘Warehouses or a train loaded with shells exploded in a military unit,’ said an eyewitness. ‘It all happened at about 1am.’
Russia's Former Top Air Defense Commander Dies Mysteriously ( Aformer Russian general who previously criticized how President Vladimir Putin's air force was trained has been found dead at his home in Russia's southern Stavropol Krai. The body of Lieutenant General Vladimir Sviridov, 68, the former commander of the 6th Air Force and Air Defense Forces Army, was found on Wednesday, a source in Russia's law enforcement told state-run news agency RIA Novosti.
I didn't see where he was laughing or making fun. The vid speaks for itself. Ukraine putting girls on the front line... and war ain't no laughing matter. The girl made and published the vid--on tiktok. DD, for whatever you want to make of him, merely shared it without comment.
An aim is not an action. An invasion is an action. People (and countries) are not punished for aims, they are punished for actions. And Biden would not have an aim to weaken Russia if Russia (Putin) did not prove by its (his) actions--previous invasions--that they were dangerous to their neighbors and the rest of the world. It really is that simple. Putin's aim is to destabilize the world to weaken the U.S. and become the world's dominant superpower. He sells weapons to any country with enough money to pay for them, without asking questions. Russia has an unstated goal of ruling the world. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
You're ignoring the comment above the video, "Tiktoker realizes that the battlefront is not useful for making “fun” videos for Tiktok." The criticism was well deserved.
I promise you, if we did a survey of the forum, over 99% would agree that you are the one who needs professional help, not me.
Russia starts deploying A-50 AWACS jets closer to the front lines to help support their over-stressed S-400 systems. Russia seems overly afraid that Ukraine will receive F-16 jets with little advance warning. The move creates additional risk of the expensive planes being shot down. Worried about Western jets, Russia is likely to risk its early warning planes near the front lines to give its formidable S-400s an edge, intel says
More evidence of war crimes by Putin, this time at the beginning of the invasion. Russia targeted Ukraine's grain production, stealing upwards of 12,000 tons per day, during the opening weeks of the invasion in 2022. He was intentionally trying to starve out the local population. Putin to face another case as Russia started preparing famine in Ukraine even before invasion
Putin slaps Georgia in the face with plans to build a new naval base on the Black Sea, in Georgian territory. This article speculates that it might open up a second front in the war for Russia, which is already losing one war with Ukraine. I wonder how quickly the U.S. could start supplying Georgia with tanks, armored vehicles, and HIMARS artillery systems . . . Opinion: Will the Kremlin’s war soon expand to a second front in Georgia?