Who exactly is "you guys"? I'm fairly cerain every person with any knowledge is fully aware that Trump is not an office holder in any capacity. But you keep trying to throw stuff on the wall, it just further consolidates what we know about you.
No one in here is going to convince anyone else that abortion is ok or not ok. We can, however, debate whether or not the GOPs overreach in pushing their views on others by passing laws of a loud minority is killing their chances to get elected. The answer is they are dead in the water until women feel that the GOP isn’t coming for their rigthts.
Must have not read many threads in the past year or so here on THFSG. Nearly everyone here claims Trump is the leader of the GOP. Oh, and by the way who is "we" and what do you know about me?
Only about 1% of abortions are after 21 weeks, this includes fetal anomalies, health of the mother and elective. For the first two reasons, this is a healthcare decision that no one other than the doctor/patient relationship should decide. I don't know how you can factor in fetal rights to that decision. For elective abortions, there are a variety of reasons for a woman to delay the decision, and sadly, the biggest reason is time to raise the funds for an abortion, which many people cannot afford, insurance won't pay for, time away from work, travel, etc. Imagine being forced to raise a child when you can't raise 500 bucks. Do you want to make the decision for the woman without knowing anything about her, what kind of parent she could be? Then if you are really concerned about fetal rights, in studies of states with increased funding for family planning and abortion services, infant mortality rates are lower, especially for low-income women. Conversely, restrictions on abortion services and family planning, are associated with increased infant and maternal mortality risk, with red states leading the way. These states also refuse to bring federal dollars in for covering Medicaid that would help women have healthier pregnancies or avoid unwanted pregnancies. These politicians are hypocritically considering their own political ambitions versus making policy that would provide for healthier families and children.
I previously responded to this post a couple of days ago. I discussed the matter with my wife and she was of the opinion as were a couple of commentators that Youngkin's proposed the apparently reasonable 15-week mark solely to gain votes for Republican candidates in Tuesday's election and then if he did succeed and getting Republican majorities in both House of the State legislature he would have proposed and tried to enact a much more restrictive bill. In other words in almost every state in which Republicans have held the governorship and a majority in the state legislature they have enacted extremely restrictive legislation. At this point I don't think the voters trust Republican politicians on the issue of abortion even when they propose what appear to be reasonable compromises.
I agree with nearly everything you say. If less than 1% of all abortions, and the vast majority are health issues, occur after 21 weeks, then why are not prochoice politicians voicing that as their stance? You cannot hardly find a politician that will say any restrictions. Someone posted what the bumbler said that he probably forgot by now, but no other left leaner wants any restrictions. At least they don't say it.
Because no one wants a doctor to have to consult a lawyer to save your wife’s or daughter’s life, or reduce their risk of death? When is enough risk the legally right level of risk? That is up to a doctor and his patient. Screw your attempt to get in the middle of it. There is no need.
Perhaps I should type this slow because you seem to have a comprehension problem. I think this is a medical decision between a woman and her doctor. Why would you need to restrict something that doesn’t happen. Should we make it illegal for elephants to climb trees?
I cannot speak for you although unless virtually every poll is inaccurate the reality is that Trump is the leader of the Republican Party.
"We"would be the readers on this board being subjected to your posts .The only thing I know about you is that you made a patently incorrect post and have pathetically tried to dance away from it. And clearly you don't understand "ranking gop"....let me try and help you one more time. Trump is not holding any office. At least you have given up trying to defend the absurd post that initiated this
So, you can only be the head of the party if you hold an office. Learn something every day, I stand corrected and will be sure to point that out to all that call Trump the head of the GOP.
Your inability to differentiate between an elected official and a power figure not holding office is duly noted. Shocking how hard this is for some people.
L-O-L. Now, Ohio Republican legislators are threatening to strip their state courts of jurisdiction to enforce the abortion amendment. What clowns. And these clowns can do things like that because they gerrymandered the hell out of their state in violation of a different constitutional amendment the voters passed to stop them from doing that! Trash. Human garbage.