Except that isn't true at all. There is not a reasonable period during which tumors can't be removed at threat of law. There are no regulations around when and how tumors can be removed or otherwise dealt with outside of the best practices to preserve the health of the patient. There were substantial regulations around abortion. So that seems inaccurate.
Stop going in circles. You claim is a life, most disagree. You claim it’s a killing, but somehow, not a murder, although there’s clear, undeniable intent. Yours is not a serious position, it’s intellectually flawed and you are smart enough to know it. You are being dramatic because you enjoy it. To each its own.
Your position is only tenable by insisting that a prenatal human being is not a human being, and/ or not alive. I recognize the humanity and life of a living prenatal human being, but am not prepared to extend the crime of murder to the abomination of abortion. So my position may be inconsistent, but yours is disingenuous.
Haven't been paying attention. Not an election year. Only tuned back in bc of this thread (Iow, I didn't come on here to see what TH had to say about the election, I tuned in to the election due to this thread).
I care for the 4 I was charged with raising. To be clear, does 'no' mean you're not affiliated with a party?
for a few years in the 1990s I was a Libertarian....officially. Otherwise, I have never been a member of a pol party. In 1990, I read an essay that I can no longer find. It was titled something about why I am no longer a republican. (I grew up in a AUH2O household & was a Reaganite.) That essay opened my eyes. Pubs are & always have been huge gov. It's worse, they've always been huge gov while saying that BIG GOV is the problem. No matter what I'm on (I saw your deleted post), I can't & won't abide that.
That's fair. But fwfwiw when you seek to nail me or other pubs with what thus or that candidate of the same party believes, it's about as fair as me saying "you're American....Americans believe in Big Gov, huge spending, and wars wars wars... therefore you're a big gov loving debt spending champion war monger". Elections are multiple choice affairs. You go with somewhere bt the most consistent with your beliefs to the least offensive to your palate, based on the ltd choices on the ballot. Doesn't mean you adopt every aspect of their belief system. (As for the deleted post-coildnt understand your cryptic crap, so I shot from the hip... then went back, and reread it, and deleted and pulled back on the DL).
PSA @92gator. The thing in the bowl below is NOT a chicken and I am "dechickening" it and denying it its "chicken-ness." When someone cracked it open, they did not kill a chicken. If your wife sends you to the grocery store and asks you to buy a chicken for dinner and you come home with one of those still intact in the shell, she will likely think you to be an idiot (but at least you'll never be sent to a grocery store again.) <a href=""><img src="" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>
Can't see your pic but I'm guessing you posted a picture of an egg. The eggs we eat are usually unfertilized, which is akin to the egg a woman discards during menstruation. They're not *pregnant*, and therefore a surgical procedure is not required. (besides that, the penalty for killing a chicken is the same poaching an egg).
That's good!!! You act as if the House speaks with one voice. Must have misted the multiple votes, multiple times to try an elect one.
That's good!!!! Completely ignored your own statement regarding "a talking point from the left!!!".....which essentially tells us you knew it was a lie when you posted it. Pathetic
Funny stuff!!!! I don't know what is funnier though. Are you saying all the right wants a total ban? If so, that is completely and totally false. Yes, there absolutely is some on the right that would prefer a 100% ban, but that number is not very large, the vast majority want restrictions after a certain point of the pregnancy. Or are you saying that the left is not claiming that the right wants a total ban. Once again completely false. Ask the question of any of them and they will say, just as you have demonstrated, that the right wants a total ban.
I made no statement whatsoever.....you are the one blathering. The fact that the highest ranking GOP official espouses exactly what you claim is a talking point for the left shows exactly how disenguous your posts are.
I thought you guys claim that Trump is the highest-ranking GOP official? And I don't believe he is calling for a total ban.