I wish Biden would drop out. Even Kamala Harris is doing better in some polls.
If Biden drops out, I think the democrats win the election. I don’t think the voters who switched from Biden to Trump did so because their opinion of Trump changed. Both parties would be wise to drop their current candidate, but I don’t see it happening with republicans.
Again we choose to only look at the polls with Biden trailing because a horse race is more interesting allegedly. However, even in these types of polls, they show that they flip dramatically in Biden's favor if Trump is convicted of any crimes.
I put this in another thread but it is misleading to say Biden is trailing. I think a portion of people are hoping for someone other than Biden but will vote his way if they have to. The poll above in the OP is the same as linked below. Suggests a blue tsunami! Ok, maybe, tsunami might be an exaggeration.
I haven't read the recent polls but makes sense to me that a generic Democratic candidate might poll better for the general than a specific Democratic candidate.
And just about 12 years ago this was published in the Washington Post. Swing states less friendly to Obama in 2012 I'm not suggesting that the recent poll isn't a serious warning to the Democrats if Biden is the nominee (there is nothing that he or the Democratic Party can do about his age) a lot can happen between now and next year and while the economy will probably remain a negative for Biden the Democrats can counter the age/cognitive decline issue by noting that Trump is only two years younger than Biden and there is more than enough material with Trump's own verbal gaffes to put together quite an ad campaign. Anyone remember the Continental Army taking over the airports in the Revolutionary War or much more recently Trump's confusing Sioux City, Iowa where he was speaking with Sioux Falls, South Dakota? Or how about juxtaposing Trump's speeches from the 2016 campaign trashing Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified documents with photos of the boxes in the bathroom at Mar-a-Lago noting that he ordered his employees to move the boxes to that location.
Very odd about Harris polling better. I would seriously consider a Biden vote but never Harris. It's going to be an absolute shitshow of an election. That's not a fair comparison. They had to commandeer the runways after the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor.
I guess I have to keep posting this. Years away from an election, a lot of people react to polls based on various gripes they have. But when they step into the voting booth and it's a choice between Biden and Trump, they vote based on that singular choice and what they think of the 2 candidates. Not their parties. Not who the VP is. Not about the price of gas one year ago.
I’m still not convinced the polls are accurate about Trump. VERY FEW people I runs across want Trump. My “right”” colleagues want an alternative but regardless are Never Biden, and my “left” colleagues remain “NEVER TRUMP and please dear G-d not DeSantis”. And so I don’t trust these polls.
Trump is a moron, but Sioux Falls/ Sioux City and "The best way to get things done, if you hold near and dear to your heart, that you like to be able to, uh, anyway" are light years apart. It is heartbreaking that the best we can come up with are these two morons.
Seems like he could bank a lot of goodwill and be remembered as a decent president if he bowed out now. Or we could roll the dice with liberal hubris making Trump president yet again. I do think grim reality will set in if it becomes apparent Trump/Biden is on again and it will probably be more like 50/50, and there is the wildcard of Trump's legal woes.
You're doing this wrong RIP. You are required to be so entrenched in one side or the other that even suggesting a "maybe" is nor permitted in these parts.