just another example of reading comprehension gone awry. You’re saying Orange God, which I assume is your derogatory name for Trump, couldn’t find fraud. But that’s not what the link that you posted here says. It’s from CNN for crying out loud, and even they are not that stupid. What they claim is that you could not find widespread voter fraud, which would have made a difference in the POTUS election. I don’t know if that is true or not, but that ignores all of the down ballot elections, some of which are decided by only 10 to 15 votes. Do those elections not matter?
I thought somebody posted a link on here that a judge ordered a new election, and they found the person who did it, and he’s being prosecuted. Maybe I read it off site here, I don’t really remember.
you don’t need a national holiday. You can just open up voting over a 72 hour. Starting on a Friday and closing on a Sunday. You should need the same ID to vote that you do to get in any federal building or get on an airplane.
Moving the goal posts is the tactics of the witless. I did not say there was zero fraud. You were disingenuous about that and its settled. The fraud charged by right wing buffoons is that the 2020 election was decided by fraud. It was not.
Here is what you posted… Here is what I responded.. I didn’t move the goal post, you just can’t read.
I explained what I was referencing several times which was a simple difference that one included forged ballots and the other didn’t. Yet you leapt to this: I never proclaimed fraud didn’t exist. You can’t read. I never ever ever said that. 100% disingenuous. You are a serial liar. I don’t misquote you. You straight up make shit up.
you wrote Fraud isn’t an issue in our election and followed with a CNN link claiming no fraud in 2020 election. I am more disturbed by your (and your fellow lefties) total acceptance of any election fraud. Every time some scumbag votes 2x, he/she cancels out a legitimate vote from an American. Why do just pass that off as “too bad”???
Was that hard? You finally quoted me accurately. Fraud isn’t an issue in our elections. That is why Trump disbanded the commission which I linked to. Don’t like CNN here is Fox. Trump dismantles voter fraud commission: Here's what the controversial group did | Fox News You’re telling me fraud is so rampant and important that Trump just gave up on looking at it? Please. There was nothing there. Most fraud is as you pointed out is a random person here and there trying to get a second vote. They get caught and they are from both parties even though it skews right for fraud.
Although I can only speak for myself while no election fraud is acceptable there is a difference between fraud which had little of no impact on an election and the promulgation a false narrative of massive fraud in an attempt to overturn a free and fair presidential election. Although it didn't directly involve voter fraud the false narrative of the "Stop the Steal" movement was a far more egregious form of election fraud than a very small number fraudulent ballots which had not affect on an election and were cast by voters supporting candidates of both political parties. Speaking scumbags who voted illegally here are some examples: Pro-Trump activist in The Villages faces voter fraud, forgery charges 4th resident of The Villages admits to voting twice in the 2020 election Man admits to voter fraud in casting dead mother's ballot for Trump Barry Morphew, who had been charged in death of wife Suzanne Morphew, pleads guilty to casting her ballot for Trump No Charges against NC Voter who followed mother's dying wish and cast fraudulent vote for Trump
You point to documented fraud, then say it doesn’t matter. It matters to me, and why should I give an F* on what Donald Trump did? *frappuccino
what did I make up? There are literally dozens of documented cases of voter fraud, and likely thousands of undocumented cases that could be easily uncovered….but the left is just focused on Trump’s alleged “false” claims. Do you dispute this? is even a single case of voter fraud acceptable? How many to make you outraged?
Back to moving the goalposts. Voter fraud is rare, ineffective and prosecuted. That’s why there is not massive impact. It’s dumbasses who go to jail trying to vote for dad. As long as you are not arguing that there was a 2020 impact I’m fine with you being mad at the few cases of voter fraud. Join a DA’s office and help prosecute it. I mean, you are lawyer, right?
Neither side is accepting all voter fraud. That's ridiculous fiction, and I suspect you know it. Voter fraud obviously happens and threads have been started by both sides here when cases have been exposed or alleged. Generally, when a Democrat is accused of fraud, the thread is started by a Republican and when a Republican is accused, the thread is started by a Democrat.
Well I guess you’re not fine then because every single fake vote, illegal rule change, or other shenanigan canceled out a legit vote or gave an unfair advantage to a candidate. That indeed had an impact on every person who got their vote cancelled or candidate who didn’t cheat. That matters. There is no way of knowing how many election races were flipped by this. You can post lawsuits, quotes, exorcisms…..whatever you want which claim all is fine, but they are all guesses. I am not claiming a single election was flipped, but I’m not naive enough to claim I know no election was flipped. some posters on this thread point out crap that allegedly happened in the Villages by Trump supporters. Every single one of them should be thrown in prison for 1 year and a day minimum if convicted. None should be allowed to vote again. They all should be forced to stand out in front of polling booths next year with signs around their necks that read “I went to prison for Voter Fraud, now I can’t ever vote again” No Mercy for the idiots.
So you're of the opinion that there is no actual difference between fraud that can change the outcome of an election and fraud which has no effect? Using an analogy based on your rationale driving at excessive speed which has no effect is as serious as driving at excessive speed which results in a fatal accident. While fraud is never acceptable it's the consequences of the act that matter as much as the act itself. By the way all four of the residents of the Villages who voted twice were allowed to enter into pretrial intervention programs under which they agreed to community service and completely avoided incarceration. Considering that you feel that all voter fraud is equally serious, do you feel that the state and court were too lenient and that the double voters should have done real time behind bars? 4th resident of The Villages admits to voting twice in the 2020 election