I hear you, lacuna. I felt a real sadness in looking those bricks. Thanks again, @defensewinschampionships , for going the extra mile to get pics for us. Very cool of you.
Even just via text on this message board, the love GK had for his wife was poetic. I always admired that
I spent about an hour looking for them, not because they were hard to find, but because each memorial brick tells a story and I read many of them. A lot of love in those bricks, including the two of our own.
Really nice of you to do that, thank you. Sorry, for this OT, but this got me going a little bit a la @lacuna ...I miss those posters. My amazing sister (RIP, Mims,) had this infernally frustrating habit of buying me a garnet and gold color necktie every year. I would open the box and just look at her with my best "again, really?" look before giving it to a FSU friend the following week as I will not wear those colors. She was a Gator fan, she taught English and Spanish in one of the nearby prison towns to help put my brother in law through UF law school, she just loved that color combination and did not make the immediate association I did. One year she handed me my Christmas present and it most definitely was not a necktie, the box was really heavy. It was the replica brick of the Gator Walk brick she had purchased for me. Once I realized what is was, that made up for all the condiment color ties...what a cool present that was.
I want to bring this to the top one more time in case some posters weren’t online yesterday and missed it.
I sent a copy of GK's brick through facebook to his brother, Tommy. Hopefully he still checks facebok. I had sent him a copy of the certificate back when we first purchased the brick. Also, I know several here were in touch with Nana's son after she had passed (@OklahomaGator ; @GatorGrowl ?). If anyone has his contact info, please send a copy of the pic to him and let him know that it's at Emerson Hall Plaza. TY!
Thanks a bunch. GK was a great poster who grew up in MN. Whenever I needed to fret about the weather, he would understand. Really appreciate you tracking down their bricks and sharing here.
I believe it was @GatorGrowl that talked with her son. I had her cell phone number but that was turned off.
I had interaction with Holly when I first joined. Mostly PMs. She seemed very nice. And GK always made me smile when he found a way in every topic to go off on RE appraisers.
Nana and I worked together on Too Hot for several years. We were polar opposites politically but became the best of friends, even though we only talked on the phone. We both valued each others opinions. I truly wept when I heard that she had passed.