I hear you and that is what I was asking in the OP. I don't necessarily expect everyone to be skeptical, but I was and wanted the thoughts of others. I appreciate your response.
Or better, “the motive.” This Administration should have lost any benefit of the doubt a while ago. If it hasn’t, I’m sure it will when it hits close to home. People like to pretend problems don’t exist until it’s at their front door, at which point it’s typically too late. When you run your office like a mafia, and people conveniently start dying, don’t be surprised when people look to you, even if you actually had nothing to do with it. There are consequences to being a Black Sheep. What’s frustrated Republicans is this mass hysteria from the other side about Trump while pretending Biden is as pure as the driven snow. Most Trump supporters know he at minimum does things and says things he shouldn’t, they’re just forced to go all out defending the man because Democrats in typical Democratic fashion dial it to 100.
You have handled the questions of your intent, gracefully. I'll give you that. I think I'd probably have been more defensive than you, so it should be applauded. That said, the reason why you are receiving so much flak is that we could be skeptical about anything if we use the loosest of associations to manufacture doubt. Over the past 5-10 years, many of us have become tired of the faintest sliver of doubt being introduced in order to suggest conspiracy. It's fatiguing, especially when we see imbalance on the skepticism. It comes off as a way to keep thoughts occupied and busy defending or opposing a seemingly never ending assault of weakly constructed "what ifs". One of my great History of Science professors at UF made it a point to ingrain in his students that falsification is one of the most difficult tasks to accomplish. The constant barrage of unfettered crackpot theories and suggestions irritates me and lends to making me short with those who introduce them.
It’s amazing the lengths the left will go to link the Michael Brown shooting to racism… but even when a Black Democratic Mayor is “conveniently” targeted by the FBI, they’d rather cut him loose because we can’t harm the perception of the FBI now can we? Not when Trump, “literally Hitler” has all of these indictments hanging over his head and we’re so close.
“Biden” should’ve def waited until he’s out of office so that no one on the right would even consider calling that delay political.
Two criticisms from me: 1. The title of the thread is a lot more conclusive than "I'm just asking questions here." 2. The FBI raided someone from Biden's own political party which is something we should be applauding as non-partisan and yet we get "questions" intended to tarnish Biden.
I think that's the biggest problem. Pretending every investigation of a political campaign is purely political & retributive in motivation only helps the people that want to corrupt the whole system to basically enable their own corruption.
And it’s absolutely true that it might just be a coincidence. But there’s only so many “coincidences” a society can observe before they start linking everything to conspiracies despite the fact that maybe 10% may be conspiracies while the rest are coincidences.
He was about to speak to the Biden Administration about the immigration crisis and how it’s affecting New York. That’s a terrible photo op and story for the Biden Administration because it further demonstrates that it’s not just the “right wing loonies” talking about the border crisis. It’s the liberal Mayor of New York.
Well, when you just list things with no context or explanation, its difficult to do either. I will say government can't exist without a bureaucracy, and it's not feasible to elect every bureaucrat. Moreover, a bureaucracy is the bedrock of any mature country, and all in all, our does a pretty good job.
Some people find conspiracies in anything. There's no point in trying to appease those people. The FBI should just do their jobs and the defendants will get their day in court to prove the FBI acted improperly.
I consider.muself very balanced and moderate. Look at my past posts. I try to approach each issue on its merits. This doesn't mean I don't n have my biases, but I try to be aware of them. I just rarely agree with your approach and opinions, but I do read and consider them.
Of course, you think they do pretty good. Our government is about as efficient as it could be!! Look at the political leanings of DC, where most of these bureaucrats live.
I think those leanings reflect those of most Americans, namely moderate with a nod to the left. Until Trump came along and unleashed the radical right, demonized the press, and otherwise gave the worst of us permission to express their authoritarian leanings, we were doing very well as a country.
I would be upset if the FBI was putting off doing their job because of the potential optics. Should they have waited until Adams said something positive about Biden?
Baloney! To compare Biden to Trump is pure sophistry. No one is as pure as the driven snow, but on a scale of good leaders and bad ones, those two are on opposite ends.
What if the conspiracy is that the Biden DOJ is prosecuting Trump, Democratic campaigns, mega-donors like SBF, even the president's son, to fool people into thinking the justice system is impartial and that the law is blind?