Don’t think they are connected. So many moving parts prior to a raid - the investigation, gathering of evidence, examining documents, seeking a search warrant that I find it hard to believe the FBI was coordinating this with policy people in the WH. Don’t believe FBI would sit on a warrant so potentially explosive as word of its existence would leak out and evidence might disappear. If Adams accepted foreign money he should suffer the consequences.
Whoa!!! I didn't know posting a thread was a call for all to assemble! LOL I absolutely stated several times that if crimes were committed then the investigation will hopefully find that out and proceed with prosecution. I just know on the right, it is clamored regularly about the weaponizing of the FBI, this appears a tad bit to coincidental in the timing. And it is an investigation of someone on the left, I was pointing that out to see if any of your side of the aisle felt that way. If you don't that is fine, just wondered the thoughts.
And you may be exactly right. I am 100% on board if he committed crimes and they prove that then to the gulag (lol) for him! But when you look at the timing of the indictments and raids over the past couple years, they seem to happen at the most opportune time for public distraction from other events. Obviously, I have no proof of that, just wondered if anyone else has the same concern. It now appears to happen on both sides of the aisle so this may disprove concern more than anything else.
Not to be dismissive, but no, it isn’t interesting to me, and no it doesn’t seem too coincidental to me. The facts and merits of the case are what is interesting to me.
So the point of the original post is that Biden has weaponized the FBI and DOJ against Eric Adams chief fundraiser because Adams has criticized the Biden administration? It just might be that she engaged in corrupt fundraising by illegally soliciting contributions from foreign (Turkish) sources and concealing them by arranging for the funds to be channeled through Turkish Americans. At least the OP has a bizarre consistency, Biden hasn't just weaponized the FBI and the DOJ against Trump he has also weaponized the agency against members of his own party who have criticized him.
and that's not all! If he can do it to them he can do it to you too! Tune in to ( insert rw outlet here) for all the deets!
So let me get this straight. The FBI has been investigating a democrat and raided a democratic operatives house, and somehow the timing is odd and as others have implied, it's a weaponization of the executive branch?
I guess being skeptical of the government is a bad thing on this board unless it is only directed toward MAGA government. Can we not be skeptical? It truly has become so partisan that the only dots that can be connected are the ones that make the other guy bad. I'm not connecting the dots here, just skeptical of the timing and wondered the resident left's thoughts. I guess I could have come to that conclusion without a thread though. My tribe good, your tribe bad! Most of you never fail to comply!
I’m sure there’s some crazy person out there who is. And both sides have their share. The vast majority of Republicans aren’t threatening civil war.
You weren't so skeptical of stop the steal claims. Suggests to me that your skepticism is at best, inconsistent.
Not only that, but the few times a bad actor on Team Trump was taken down, Trump pardoned them, and I don't recall the skepticism there, either ... but yeah, this guy is a legit skeptic ... lol.
Bipartisan skepticism can be good provided it acknowledges facts with a different weight than rumors and accusations. Heavily partisan gotcha skepticism that relies on lack of full disclosure of the facts, not so much.
Not to toot my own horn, but while I am partisan in beliefs, I think I am fairly balanced on my B.S. meter.
I don't have a problem with @Gatoragman being skeptical per se but I'm not so sure why the timing would make anyone skeptical? Seems no there there. The op msn article mentioned that two operatives in NYC pleaded guilty this summer in NYC after Bragg brought charges, and it's not as if local criminal cases never then have the feds sniffing around, or that local/state and federal investigations don't ever overlap when alleged criminality comes to their attention.