Found this interesting. Saw it on the interwebs so must be true. Can any Gator historians confirm? “Albert Einstein Gator and Alberta Gator are the official mascots of the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida. In 1908, local merchant Phillip Miller and his son Austin Miller, with no official sanction from the university or athletic association, selected the alligator as an emblem to represent the university on pennants offered for sale in Miller's Gainesville store. With the state of Florida being home to millions of alligators, the "gator" proved a popular choice among members of the student body, and the Florida football team began to refer to itself as the "Gators" during the 1911 fall season. A live alligator named Albert first appeared at football games during the 1957 season and served as the mascot of the football team on the field before the costumed version of Albert became the mascot in 1970. He was joined by a female version, Alberta, in 1984.”
The live gator was in a caged area, with water, next to Century Tower until in the early sixties when a Florida football player cut off the gator's tail. Class of'65 graduate.