House GOP passes Israel aid bill offset by IRS funding cuts | Fox News The House of Representatives approved sending $14.3 billion in federal aid dollars to Israel in a 226 to 196 vote on Thursday, with 12 Democrats joining Republicans to pass it. Under the bill brought by House Republicans, that funding will be reallocated from money that was meant for the IRS in President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. "With this piece of legislation, we are helping an ally in need while also cutting funding from Joe Biden’s weaponized IRS. These funds are better used supporting Israel than being used by IRS agents to audit middle class Americans," he said. I love this bill, but don't it will pass through the Senate
What are you talking about, this bill is going to Israel, were just talking allocated money to pay for it. Admit it you hate this because it's an awesome idea, the only people who will poison this is the liberals who vote it down or Biden if he veto's it
It raises the deficit by lowering the revenue from catching tax cheats. It’s a stoopid political ploy to appease confused followers who think that is a good idea. Regardless if the dems passed an Israel aid bill with a rider raising taxes on the rich you’d think differently. That wouldn’t pass either.
CBO said cutting IRS funding would increase deficit. So I guess this bill is a twofer, a two-pronged method of increasing the deficit.
So you're telling me if my wife said she requested a paycut at work but also wants to go on a shopping spree that's a bad formula?
Explain this to us... How is spending more MONEY on more federal workers (more IRS agents) going to save us money? Less federal employee expenditures means less deficit spending... less deficit.
I think only a serious partisan could love such a bill. Imagine a bill for building facilities in impoverished small towns to help children affected by parents with fentanyl addictions …funded by reducing tax breaks for churches to make it harder for “those Christian hypocrites to brainwash our youth.” What is going on in the mind of the authors of such a bill? Whatever it is, it certainly isn’t guided entirely by compassion.
So an article I read says this bill raises the deficit by 12.5 billion over a decade. But passing the act sending 14.5 billion to Israel without the IRS cuts raises the deficit by 14.5 billion right now. So doesn't this save 2 billion over a decade? Either way the deficit increases putting a bigger burden on Americans.
If one of your best friends gets in a fight and gets his ass beat…he needs a hand getting back on his feet, and maybe some retribution. You wouldn’t over extend yourself to help him out?
I understand you must disagree with me given the “come on man” rating, @flgator2 but I don’t see the difference here. In both cases, we have 1) giving resources to those in need, but then also 2) taking those resources from your ideological opponents while taking a verbal swipe at them. In what way could an impartial spectator view this as virtuous behavior?
There are a handful in Congress who oppose funding wars. And likely zero who oppose wars on moral grounds.