As an Indiana grad alum, this makes me sad. I remember being on campus the day he got fired and the near riot that happened. One of of a kind. RIP
He was a great coach from another era. I think we need to remember him in that way. His anger issues and temper wouldn’t be acceptable now.
Not sure why this coach hit me harder then most, but he was a real man's coach. All my favs are slowly passing.
Long video but somewhere in the middle begins the Bobby knight portion. Don't have to be an Indiana fan or even a coach Knight fan to appreciate the moment they huddle. He coached all of those Grey haired and bald men when they were basically kids at some point in his career. I imagine a bittersweet moment for all of them.
A friend of mine taught and coached high school about 30 miles from where Knight grew up and they played that high school in sports. He said Knight came back and did a lot of good things for his old high school. I love it when people who make it big remember where they came from and go back and do some good for them. Other things I’ve read about Knight show he was quite generous to the schools where he coached.