Again, this post does not provide any evidence to back your claims. You are still trying to argue your way out of a lack of evidence.
Exactly. If Obama had been born in the southern United States 200 years ago he would have been a slave.
Again, this post does not provide any evidence to back your claims. You are still trying to argue your way out of a lack of evidence.
The population that makes up MAGA (yes, you know it's a thing despite the childish denials) does get to decide what it wants to believe.....that is painfully obvious. And I get to make commentary upon those beliefs. The individuals that are today proclaimed Rino's by this contingent are closely aligned with the traditional Republican values that were espoused by leaders such as Reagan. One only has to reflect upon the John McCain treatment to recognize how far off the reservation this bunch has strayed. It's actually a very sad turn for the party and likely unsustainable in the long term.
I love it when people come on this message board and speak in absolutes, like everyone understands your language. I still have no idea what the hell a MAGA is. I thought MAGA was an acronym for make America great again. You are using it as a noun. I’m going to assume you also demand people use they/them your pronouns. I don’t understand that either. The English language has gone to shit. you seem to be agreeing with the premise of my post. You don’t get to tell “MAGA” what they can believe and what they can say, likewise, Mr. MAGA isn’t allowed to tell you what you get to think or say. Why is it so hard to understand?
Sure you have no idea what the MAGA reference refers to....I'm sure somebody somewhere believes that lol. Ironically in the 2nd paragraph you miraculously seem to clearly understand the reference. It's a MAGA miracle. Nowhere have I remotely suggested anyone cannot believe as they choose. I have simply stated that those beliefs do not translate to fact, and those beliefs do not overide the beliefs of others. Why is that so hard to understand?
how dense do you have to be to post such ridiculous nonsense. I specifically identified what MAGA means because it’s an effing acronym. It is not a noun. You guys are using it as a noun. Here ya go Chucky: please come back for more education after you flog yourself as penance.
I suppose you cannot grasp the difference between a belief and a determination of fact? Actually, it appears you are severely lacking in a vast array of intellectual skills that are necessary for you to interact with most of the board here. I'll just leave you to your little tantrums...hopefully they make you feel better.
Is it impossible for acronyms to be nouns? According to Collins, at least, it considers MAGA to be both an acronym and a noun. acronym for 1. make America great again noun 2. a supporter of a nationalistic political movement in the US
You just literally put together a bunch of words in a paragraph because you didn’t know how to spell “Duh”. WTF are you attempting to say?
thank you for the post. You learn something new every day. is this supposed to be a slur, or did someone just co-op the acronym to use as shorthand for a a group. This seems like an urban/slang dictionary thing. I have never heard the term used as a noun. I have heard some of the leftist politicians referred to people as MAGA Republicans, but I just assumed that meant Trump voters, using the acronym as an adjective.
When someone refers to what the US space program is doing, do you similarly insist that you are confused and have no idea what they are talking about because NASA is an acronym but they seem to be using it as a noun?
No, because NASA is an acronym for an agency, which is a noun. MAGA is an acronym for a slogan, which is….well…a slogan. Come back tomorrow and I will teach you about pronouns.
Then your professed misunderstanding of MAGA has nothing to do with the fact that it’s an acronym since, as you’ve just acknowledged, an acronym can be a noun.
it is apparent that you do not know how the English language works. An acronym is not a noun. I never said that. It’s an abbreviation. The subject matter of the acronym, such as NASA, can be a noun. but when you use NASA in a sentence, that is just a shorthand for saying national aeronautics and space administration. when you use MAGA in a sentence, you are just using a shorthand for make America great again, which is a campaign slogan. A campaign slogan is not a noun. This is the way our English language works. This is just another example of the left bastardizing the language.
This “MAGA is not a noun” is perhaps your most bizarre crusade yet. But I have faith you will eventually out do it.
it’s a F’ing acronym for a political slogan. Nothing bizarre about stating the obvious. ITS NOT A NOUN!