Data is pretty sound, how? Based on what? Other hand, we now have those central to perpetuating the big lie in public, suddenly singing a different tune when he is obligated to tell the truth or having admitted it wasn't stolen. Why? The big lie was in fact a big lie.
Here is another one. Some pub in Iowa. Seems like no one can get away with fraud.
As I said, discount some of his conclusions but some of the anomalies are worth inquiry, I think. I think everyone on here would feel the same if wasn't Trump involved. The data is what to look at, not his interpretation.
"Hundreds" and he got caught. Hundreds of votes is extremely unlikely to flip a presidential election and all it takes is one of those people voting in person or requesting a 2nd mail in ballot after they didn't get theirs for that dumb scheme to fall apart.
Dang, another one caught with evidence and everything ... say, I got a question ... why hasn't Trump been able to provide evidence of these supposed millions of fake ballots and his own co-conspirators keep pleading guilty?
Absolutely worth looking into which is why we have the audits. Even with access to the best election attorneys the GOP has, and third party auditors like in Arizona, there was nothing approaching wide scale fraud found.
Look at his data compared to the election results, and they are the same. But you don't want to believe anything other than what you do, so don't bother checking the data, as I did.
Mendez may be a Republican by the way although it's not completely clear. In any event the New Jersey Attorney General who is investigating and prosecuting him is a Democrat. One apparent difference between the two parties is that Republicans are much more likely to turn a blind eye to election fraud by one of their own. Leading Paterson Democrat Calls for Investigation into Mendez Campaign Fundraising
Let me make this as clear as possible: No, it's not real data. For example, that list of townships it claims that the the Michigan secretary of state “pinpoints a statistical anomaly so far outside of every statistical norm as to be virtually impossible." That, apparently, came directly a lawsuit filed by Trump's crack legal team. First of all, those townships aren't even in Michigan ... Seriously, this is all stuff that was debunked three years ago. Trump Ally Confuses Michigan And Minnesota In Affidavit Claiming Voter Fraud
Uh..... you probably need to google something other than media matters. Yes, the first one on list is in error and Minnesota, but the rest are in Michigan.
It cracks me up that y’all seemingly can’t wrap your heads around how everyone was voting against Trump. The guy literally trolled 65% of the population DAILY for four years and it’s somehow shocking that people came out in droves to vote him out.
No, it doesn't. None of the suggestions of anomalies are that compelling. The first anomaly listed (which implies it is the strongest point) is: "1 – Incumbent loss anomaly. Donald Trump is the first incumbent President in 132 years since Grover Cleveland's failed bid for re-election in 1888 to have increased his vote from his initial election and seemingly to still not win re-election." What is this nonsense? A deeper dive based on "anomalies" like this? Let's not ignore that the writer said that Trump "seemingly" lost. Clearly an election denialist cherry-picking obscure details to make an argument.
To be fair, the fraud didn’t have to be that margin in the popular vote, just the margin in the key swing states that Biden flipped that went Trump’s way in 2016. But considering the amount of states this included, you’re preaching to the choir. It’s unlikely there was a conspiracy of that scale that we didn’t know about.
Amy Kremer testified in Colordo (Kremer helped organize Jan 6) What about the coup on November 4th, what were you talking about there? "I was talking about metaphorically, they stole an election" "Who stole the election exactly?" "We don't know who stole the election, I mean, it happened in a number of states, and we don't know." Shadowy figures? "I can't speak to that, we don't know." Do you know how they stole the election? "I mean, there were a number of things that happened with the election that were inconsistent. Officials breaking laws. And it would be, you know, different states have different laws." ................................................... IOW, Kremer just knows that Dems stole the election, metaphorically speaking. Though, she just doesn't know who or how or anything about state laws, metaphorically speaking.
The votes in Arizona were counted. Biden won by about 10k votes. The votes were counted again, and again, Biden won by about 10k votes. The ballots were audited, and again, Biden won by about 10k votes. One final audit, funded by Republicans no less, and guess what! Biden won by about 10k votes! What can be done to convince anyone this election wasn't stolen? Now, the numbers weren't exactly the same every time, but well within the margin of error from this 2007 report about the number of fraudulent votes per election. No more than 1 in 50,000 votes, and more often closer to 1 in 100,000 is fraudulent in any given election. To put this into context, that puts the most amount of fraud votes, nation-wide, at around 3,200 max. Not enough to overturn a single state, let alone several needed to overturn the election in favor or Trump. Even tripling this number doesn't overturn a single state! Now yes, there were different things that happened, but this was also the first election that occurred during a pandemic in over a century. But "late early" votes is not anything new. Since Arizona went to a system where voters could get on a PEVL (Permanent Early Voting List), election counting in the state has taken up to a week to be complete. This happened in 2018, when Sinema was behind on election day, but closing in on winning. By Friday, she was declared the winner because of the "late early" ballot counting. Trump was actually behind Biden by about 100,000 votes in Arizona Tuesday night, but the "late earlies" favored him. It just wasn't enough to overcome Biden's lead.
Actually, the link was to Forbes, not Media Matters. But, OK, you admit that Benville is in Minnesota but claim the rest are all in Michigan. Please look up Kandiyohi, Wanger and Veldt and tell us what states they're in. thanks
It's fraud and it's happening everywhere. One day to vote (make it a national holiday), paper ballots and valid ID. Judge orders new Bridgeport mayoral primary after surveillance videos show possible ballot stuffing – NBC Connecticut
That is high grade nonsense. So let's do a deeper dive. Let me look at this particular nonsense point: I mean, it is hard to figure out where to start with that claim. The notion that votes must be fake because they differed from prior vote counting trends is just beyond ridiculous. But, since you asked, I will address it in good faith. Milwaukee County released ~170K absentee ballots at the time outlined in the post. Now, the claim is that it must be fraud because that is a lot of votes and they lean Democratic. Do you think it is odd that the absentee ballots (which leaned Democratic in every state that had them because Donald Trump had already been campaigning against absentee ballots) from a heavily Democratic County that also happens to be the state's most populous county would not mirror the percentages or rates as other, smaller, more Republican counties reporting a variety of different types of votes? If so, do you also consider it evidence of fraud that Ohio, Florida, and North Carolina (states that allow pre-counting of absentee ballots, unlike Wisconsin) shifted the other direction?