;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1698970403/RO=10/RU= I guess election fraud does exist? Used Yahoo rather than Bing, does that make a couple of you feel better?
So you are showing us that you can’t get away with election tampering. Good to know. The case was brought and a judge ruled in favor of the plaintiff to be appealed. This was more evidence than presented in the 2020 election and even this isn’t fraud. The issue: Bridgeport primary election overturned; new vote ordered “The issue in this case is not the applications or even the push to deliver absentee votes. The issue is whether that advocacy crossed a line of the established laws. Specifically, whether individuals who were not the voter and were not authorized under statute handled ballots,” Clark said. “Based on the video and the numbers of absentee votes submitted through the drop box method in Districts 136 and 139 in particular, this court finds that such violations did occur.”
Oh... Ok this isn't fraud, just showing they violated the election laws of the state or county. Kinda like changing election laws in a state that by their own constitution states they cannot be changed within a certain time of the election. That wouldn't be fraud, that would be violation of the law. Ok, got it.
I see you glossed over the fact that it was caught and litigated. I dont want to argue semantics. It was ruled the ballots were transported by an unauthorized person but not filled out fraudulently- i believe. It’s a crime to transport but I wouldn’t call it fraud. Same thing happened in my district by the Republican so I went a whole year without a congressman. Our dude actually filled out the ballots - fraud. If this Connecticut primary had ballots completed by someone else i would definitely call it fraud - i didn’t see that in the article. New Election Ordered in North Carolina Race at Center of Fraud Inquiry (Published 2019)
The thing with widescale election fraud is that extremely difficult to get away with on a large enough scale to tip an election, especially with the level of scrutiny tied to a Presidential election. In this case, it was even caught in a local Mayoral primary. There's just too many avenues to audit an election to find irregularities - reviewing and sampling first time voters (especially first time voters who were old enough to vote in previous elections but didn't), votes of people who switched parties, people who didn't vote in the current election but regularly voted in the past, volume and party vote outliers by precint compared to past elections and current precint populations. It would take tens of thousands of votes in a Presidential election to have any comfort that you'd be flipping an outcome. It would also involve identifying tens of thousands of people who you know for a fact won't otherwise vote and only one of those people voting would blow up the whole scheme when told they had already voted. Switching votes after the fact on a large scale? Easily picked up through analytics. Not counting certain ballots of a particular party? Easily picked up through analytics. Any fraud involving election officials only takes one person to blow the whistle. It doesn't mean people may not try, but there's a near zero chance of getting away with it on any sort of scale that matters.
Yeah, it's kind of ridiculous to hear people claiming "wait, I thought (insert something here) never exists ....)" when no one's been saying that at all. Meanwhile, wow, Bridgeport politics: The challenger who lost in the primary is running against Ganim in the general election, so it'll be up the voters, and if Gomes wins, they won't have to hold the primary again. I assume that election will be monitored very closely. Meanwhile, Ganim won (maybe?) in 2015 despite taking tons of bribes the last time he was mayor.
This lady can’t even get away with delivering a handful of legally filled out ballots to a drop box …. But they want us to be believe 7 million Illegal Biden votes were cast…. Lol.
You may be absolutely correct. I would invite all to read this report on 2020 potential election fraud. This real data, you can discount any conclusions, but the data use is pretty sound. This is why so many on the right feel the way they do about the outcome of the 2020 election. It is not definitive proof of any wrongdoing by no means. But with so many of the lefty's on here that are so intellectual, doesn't this at least cause you pause for moment and warrant a deeper dive?!&&p=acb1...MjBfcHJlc2lkZW50aWFsX2VsZWN0aW9uLmh0bWw&ntb=1
The primary reason I believe in election fraud is that I have faith that there are not that many dumb folks in America that would actually elect Biden.
LOL…. That guy called South Carolina, which hasn’t voted for a democrat president since 1976, and where Republicans win by an average of 15% over the last 20 years…. A “swing state”…. Nice try, but do you have any serious reports?
Keeping in mind that it's a local election in which the alleged fraud was committed by one Democrat running against other Democrats in a mayoral primary.
I feel pretty confident that author knows very little about elections results or fraud. That's a lot of macro trends that really aren't indicative of fraud and also some pretty flawed anomalies that are very easily explained like: Trump's had a a lead that slipped away! In person vote skews Republican and early/mail-in skews Democrat and hadn't been counted yet. Trump went from a big favorite to losing in some states! A big tranche of votes from Democrat areas came in. Biden got votes in the middle of the night! Completely irrelevant. Did the votes hold up upon audit? Even things like excess votes in certain counties don't prove fraud, those are just areas to look unto further by sampling ballots and contacting voters.
Here is another one for you. Paterson City Council scandal: Alex Mendez and wife allegedly stole mail-in ballots to rig 2020 election – NBC New York