BTW, until the OP can offer up what exactly this is proof of, it seems like the title is incorrect, as it appears to not be proof of much of anything other than money exists and people paid each other money.
The OP doesnt make an absolute statement in the title. He used question marks and accurately points out that both sides will answer differently. Unless "cultists" is the issue, in which case we would have to edit a lot of liberal posters using the term.
Were just laughing at him because he can't even seem to define what that accusation is supposed to be "proof" of...
You're not. I chose to post here. I think the thread is elucidating in that we've now established that in this instance, no crime occurred. You didn't ask, but I want officials to be held to account by govt and/or media; the public. So investigating is fine by me. Biden might be a lot of things, but he has never seemed to me to be personally corrupt. However, he, like those in power, have people around them that will try to use him for their own ends. Nature of the beast. Or maybe he is corrupt and has just hidden it well? If so, what I've seen thus far in terms of evidence is some really thin gruel.
Plus the false equivalency bullshit that posits that those who support Biden are just as much of a cult as the Trumpists, which is patently false. There is a difference between supporting a platform and the "platform" being a personality in the form of the orange god.
It does seem rather incongruous that the same people who have been suggesting that Joe Biden has borderline dementia are also suggesting that he is capable of developing complex financial schemes to conceal bribes that he is allegedly receiving from Chinese and/or Ukrainian interests.
Proof of what, specifically, is he questioning? As I said, it is objectively proof of the existence of money. It is objectively not proof of the existence of the planet Saturn. So unless he can say what it is even questionably proof of, then the question marks mean nothing.
If Biden committed a crime he can go to jail and I lose no sleep over it. Trump supporters are ready for a civil war.
Honestly given his age and relatively weak incumbency it might solve some problems for the Democrats.
If what is being reported is substantially true, there is at a minimum unethical behavior in the Biden family, possibly even criminal. I’m not a criminal lawyer so I don’t know the line here. The thing is best I can tell there has never been anything explicitly linking Joe Biden to these activities, or substantial evidence that he knew about their nature. At one level it is hard to imagine with all this crap going on Joe didn’t know, but as yet there is no evidence of it. I am not excusing any of it, and it seems to me to warrant further investigation. But as of yet, there is no alleged crime attached to Joe Biden.
How can the Biden Family be criminal or unethical if they aren’t in the government and admittedly there’s nothing tying Joe to performing favors or getting money for favors? Hunter seems shady for sure but as of now it isn’t illegal to leverage your name or connections for jobs. That’s why he has a bogus gun form charge and a misdemeanor tax filing charge. The Biden’s outside Joe are opportunists. It’s eye rolling but I haven’t seen criminal activity.
I reread the entire thread again this morning and as I stated before, it is futile for any of us non-conformist to bring anything to this board. It is quite evident that most posters here at THFSG have their view of everything and their view is the only correct view. I would point out that in the beginning of the investigation all on here said there was no link to Joe receiving any payments for any nefarious deeds his family may have done. The article clearly shows from bank records that monies that came from communist China through several entities ended up as a repayment to Joe for a loan. Not sure it can be any clearer than that. So, the argument moved to he is not responsible for how his family made their money and able to pay him back. Ok.... Then it turns to he was not in office so how could there be a crime....Ok. Then it jumped to what about Trump! Then the thread title was attacked. I specifically put question marks and specifically wrote cultists, because if you can't see anything to be concerned about and potentially illegal then you have blinders and truly are a tribalist.
I notice in that rant about how everybody else is a tribalist, you still didn't indicate a single crime that you think this proves he committed. Just a whole lot of you deep in your own emotions. How about you lay out the crimes that you think this proves he committed?
It doesn't really matter what crime I may think he committed. It only matters to the prosecutor and the judge. Besides, I've already said this proves no illegal activity, hence the question marks in the title. The crime will be charged when they find it, and it will still not be accepted by many here. Most here have already given a pass and believe Joe is not responsible for the "sleezy" family he has around him.
And no amount of lack of evidence will convince you… who extols differing opinions. As for cult, that refers to those who ignore the overwhelming amount of evidence against Trump.
So is this thread primarily about a legal process or about complaining about other people not buying that something that even you admit is not proof is proof in order to pre-complain about how people won't buy the proof in the future (that is assumed to exist and to be revealed)?
You repeatedly agreed that no crime was committed, but yet seem to want others here to condemn that non-crime, otherwise left cult. So perhaps what you really want as a self-proclaimed non-conformist is to be able to criticize others for what you allege is cult conformity.