the premise is ridiculous. Again, leprechauns and unicorns had a better chance of changing the election results than fake electors.
You called them fake impeachments. They were real impeachments. If you meant "failed" or something else, I apologize but went by the words that you used.
I apologies to you also. I did call them fake impeachments, not in the context that they were not real impeachments, I meant in the context that the weak reasoning did not rise to impeachment. Sorry for the confusion.
You're the one who started the off-topic conversation given that the topic of this thread is Romney and Kinzinger not whether or not a biracial former president should be referred to as "Black".
Although apparently the former president and his supporters and even some of his advisors didn't think so. How the Trump fake electors scheme became a 'corrupt plan,' according to the indictment
I’m probably taxing your ability, but what precisely did Romney lie about? Also, who I may not have voted for does not preclude me from respecting them. In fact, I’ve had varying degrees of respect for every president in my lifetime until Trump came along. I not only have zero respect for that narcissistic fool, I despise him.
Speaking of outrageous , this comment of yours surpasses anything I’ve read here in a long time. It’s very revealing that you don’t see Romney (and probably not Liz Cheney either) as honorable. Both of those republicans are saints compared to Trump and his sycophants in the House, shameless election deniers all. You ought to be ashamed of your comment.
Just goes to show how far removed some people are from decency and honor, including most republicans in the House.
Then you must have a negative IQ to make such stupid comments, repeatedly. He kept his dignity. That it cost him friends and family tells one how little they - and you - know about dignity.
Not only is that about the most ignorant comment ever by anyone on TH, you actually got - get this - a "best post ever"! Some folks are so un-American it's scary. (It surpasses even Tjgators!)
Yes, he was part of a fake electors plan as was 1/6. Yes, his administration refused to assist with the Biden transition. No other president ignored a subpoena for 14 months to return documents. Being wrong and ignorant is a way of life for you.
Don't play that cheap "differing opinions" card. When one starts defending and/or making excuses for Donald Trump, no, it's not okay. It's like saying the earth is flat, or that no one landed on the moon, or that Sasquatch exists. Such opinions are worthy of ridicule.
My comment was focused to the very specific sentence I quoted. You were off-topic in that you attributed a very general assertion to me that I did not make.
Nah, you hit the nail on the head Tricky... Liz sucks too! Her dad sucks it big. What an evil man. The Cheney & Romney families are some of the most powerful families in the world. They are not honorable and have never ever helped low-wage and middle-class earners. What do you think is most important to these powerful families? It's staying in power. Romney is out because he is being primaried. Cheney is out because her opponent received 67% of the vote. Wyoming hates Cheney. Utah hates Romney and he knows it. He does not want the Harriet Hageman treatment. It appears that the RINO class of Republicans is stepping aside not because they want to, but because they know the MAGA train will run them over. My guess is there are no Trump fans here at Too Hot even if you call yourself a Republican. What you people need to understand is that MAGA is not Trump. It's a movement of 75+ million strong. I know it's hard for you to comprehend when you consume 60 minutes, TIME magazine, the New York Times, and most corporate media. Common sense conservatives are coming to squash the BS fakes in DC and Mitt/Liz are 2 of the biggest fakes to go down. Honorable? Is Mitch McConnell honorable? Is Lindsey Graham honorable? No. They are phonies. At least the Democrats tell you who they are. As bat-shit crazy as some of them are that is more honorable than the likes of Mitt and Liz. I give Democrats a pass for being an emotional group that can be unstable with their wits. We all know their policies are awful, but they are not phonies.