not to mention you only own the equity in the house. on this note I just received my electric bill from Duke Energy. I used slightly less energy this time last year. Did my bill go down? Oh no, not even close. It went up by 63%. FJB
Yep, my electric bill has doubled. I thought we had a problem, pool heater or something. But it seems everyone is getting gouged.
As noted, again, this controls for inflation, which includes change in utility costs. Wealth has substantially grown after controlling for inflation. BTW, electricity costs are up, on average, by about 2.6% over the last year.
Perhaps that is a problem in your neighborhood then. Certainly, there is variation. Perhaps you should look into why your costs in your neighborhood increased by so much more than the rest of the country.
Again, anyone saying everything is great isn't being honest.
And the percentage of Americans living paycheck to paycheck was higher in 2019 than in 2023. From 2019 78% of employees live paycheck to paycheck
Wait, so if we give people free money(Stimulus money), the percentage of people living paycheck to paycheck goes down? No way! Never would've guessed that...
I seem to recall up here in NW Florida that rates increased when Gulf Power transitioned to FPL at the end of 2022/beginning of 2023. Based upon local reporting, it seemed to me that some account holders were more impacted than others, but that disparity wasn't clear to me. My bills seemed quite high before....maybe people who'd had lower bills in the past saw theirs increase more due to some formula? I don't know. Of course, inflation has been a thing across the board, but I suspect that having a hotter than typical summer probably played a role this year.
I smell Bullshit. I have Duke, too, and my bill is up 14% ... year over year ... with slightly higher energy use.
No, just to show it isn't awesome. I think it's doing "ok". Not great nor terrible. But saying the economy is great isn't true at all. Swing and a miss again...
No one actually thinks the economy is super great. It's decent though, with a few problem spots like always. People exaggerate and give Biden credit for it to rile up the right-wingers. And it clearly works. But right-wingers exaggerate in the other direction and we never see you trying to set them straight about it. That's because you're on their team.
Sure LOL. I mean at least try to not look so partisan. It's why the original poster put it out there. To say the economy is great. I'm not a right winger but that's ok, you keep ignoring that fact. Thanks for admitting the truth that the economy is ok at "this point" and not great. Only right thing you said in that post.
I don't claim to be nonpartisan. Why would I? The Dems are vastly better for our country than Repubs are. Repubs are a total effing disaster. Did you see the freak they just elected SoH? No, I don't pretend to be nonpartisan, unlike you, who must respond anytime a liberal posts something good about the economy to say the economy actually isn't good. Never saw you do that during the Trump years when right-wingers started posting about how great the economy was immediately after Jan 20, 2017. You don't try to correct right-wingers because you're on their team.
Why would I when you and the other far lefties already do it? I thought trump's policies were avg at best. You keep trying to paint me like i'm some far righty and that I should be upset that you are calling R's a disaster. See that is what's great about being in the middle. I'm not naïve enough to think my side is better. Both sides suck. You are just too partisan to see it. It's ok, it's a disease and you are very sick with it. I've corrected many on the R especially about trump. Swing and a miss again! Man you are on an epic cold streak sport.
LOL. The Repubs and Dems both suck? That's like saying a baloney sandwich and a shit sandwich both suck. One is clearly way better than the other and you can't bring yourself to admit it. Sorry, your team really sucks.