Thats stupid. Democrats didn’t create Trump. Republicans did. And then proceeded to excuse everything he did,including crimes, like you. You created him.
Trump, (and more appropriately conservative pundits) brought attention to the anomalies and law violations that occurred throughout the country in local elections. Granted, Trump often used some hyperbole but I don’t believe he ever pretended he won. He never acted as if he was POTUS after the Demented Demon took office. I miss Jack Kemp. That is who we need to fix this mess….and Tip O’Neil. We need to purge about 90% of Congress and get Fresh ideas from both sides, bring back compromise and get a 3rd party in Congress to act as a buffer and force compromise. I would love to see a non violent purge of Congress. Each party gets to put a franchise tag on 5 Senators and 20 house members each. Then the voters, by popular vote, get to unelect 70% of the remaining politicians. Those who get voted off the island are prohibited from running for any office for 10 years. Term limits moving forward.
Other than conspiring with others to use fake electors to stay in office, refusing to aid the transition to the new administration and leaving office with extremely sensitive classified documents intentionally that didn't belong to him, he did nothing but just "speak hyperbole."
what is a “MAGA?” I thought that was a campaign slogan that Trump came up with... “Make America Great Again.” Now it’s a noun?
Isn’t Obama only 1/2 black? So can’t he also be referred to as the white guy? It seems equally logical.
He didn’t conspire with others to use fake electors to keep him office. Fake electors could not keep him in office anymore than a bunch of leprechauns. Stupid talking point. Trump did not refuse to transition to Biden. False talking point. Trump did nothing more with classified documents that any other President did. False and stupid talking point. I’m surprised you didn’t accuse him of Jaywalking too. LOL.
If Biden loses, takes every step Donald did, but is successful…. Your argument would be it’s not his fault, he had the power of a leprechaun?
My timeline must be off??? Didn't the 2 fake impeachments happen before any election happened in 2020? Again, here we go with my opinion is better than yours because I'm smarter and more educated than you. Is it not ok to have differing opinions? Don't we daily have juries that can't get to a unanimous conclusion? I guess that anyone's opinion is only valid if matches yours! You guys call the right a cult, good stuff!
you Dems created a martyr who is going to get reelected next year because of your pure, unadulterated hate. You replaced him with a senile, spineless robot. Biden makes your Jimmy Carter look good, and up until 2020 that seemed to be an impossible mountain to climb.
Historically logic never really mattered in America, especially in the Jim Crow South. In the South it became known as the "one-drop rule,'' meaning that a single drop of "black blood" makes a person a black. It is also known as the "one black ancestor rule," some courts have called it the "traceable amount rule," and anthropologists call it the "hypo-descent rule," meaning that racially mixed persons are assigned the status of the subordinate group. This definition emerged from the American South to become the nation's definition, generally accepted by whites and blacks. Blacks had no other choice. As we shall see, this American cultural definition of blacks is taken for granted as readily by judges, affirmative action officers, and black protesters as it is by Ku Klux Klansmen.Mixed Race America - Who Is Black? One Nation's Definition
The issue is not your opinions vs others’ opinions. The issue is your opinions vs facts. Fact: Donald Trump was impeached twice. Once for withholding Congress-approved funds in an attempt to solicit a quid pro quo from Ukraine to announce investigations into a political opponent. Once for his contributions leading to and including the January 6 riot at Capitol Hill. Your opinion that he deserved to be absolved in both impeachments does not hold more weight than the fact he was legitimately impeached twice following the rules outlined for the Congressional impeachment process. This has been said repeatedly since Donald Trump turned gaslighting into a great American pastime for the GOP: you are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.
historically, 95% of black American slaves where once owned by black masters, but are we really talking history here?
Maybe I'm misunderstanding your question/post, but the second impeachment was after the 2020 election.
Never questioned the fact that he was impeached by the dems and a few Pubs in the house, my opinion and many others is the interpretation of what he actually did or didn't do that warranted the impeachment.
And you have a credible link to that narrative? The only possible remotely credible factual explanation of your statement may be be the possibility that Africans were sold to white slave traders by other Africans in Africa. Please enlighten me by providing a link to a credible source indicating that 95% of black American slaves were owned by black masters in the US or in colonial America. I would also add that biracial people are still considered black and I'm not referring to the former president from Illinois. Does the name Patrick Mahomes ring a bell? The Significance of a Super Bowl With 2 Black Starting Quarterbacks Mahomes and his parents.
The fact that Trump's attempted coup using fake electors and other stunts failed and probably had little chance of success didn't mean that he wasn't serious about it as were a large percentage of his supporters who thought (and still think) that he really won the election and that it was stolen from him through fraud.