He's a Trump supporter who threatened officials over 2020 election. I asked him why. (msn.com) Interesting insight into the mind of your typical brainwashed Trumpster... it's interesting that at his sentencing hearing he told the judge that he was suffering from PTSD, depression, injuries weighing on him, and fell victim to misinformation and exaggerations about the 2020 election being stolen ... but changed his tune for this interview. He was convicted of making calls to Republican election officials in Arizona and saying things like ... “When we come to lynch your stupid, lying commie (expletive), you'll remember that you lied on the (expletive) Bible, you piece of (expletive)! You're gonna die, you piece of (expletive)! We're going to hang you!” ... and is getting 2.5 years in Federal Prison. Still, despite what he told he judge, in this interview he's back to... “If you’re calling me to find out why I was confused about who won the election, then you’ve reached a dead end, because I know who won in 2020 and it wasn’t Joe Biden,” Rissi said. “Misinformation? Was I improperly convicted? The DOJ came after me with hammer and tongs, tried to get one of my children to get a confession out of me. They didn’t succeed.” .... “They’re trying to stop Trump because he’s going to get 100 million votes, even if they send him to prison. I think they’re gonna kill him, because whoever they put up (to run against Trump), they’re gonna get slaughtered. And then, it’s retribution time. “I predict they’ll crash a plane into his plane, or it will be the old, lone gunman with three names – Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray. You think I sound like a conspiracy theorist?” He's a Trump supporter who threatened officials over 2020 election. I asked him why. (msn.com)
Although he was nutty enough to act on it, his view as to who won the 2020 election is held by the overwhelming majority of self-identified Republicans. He is by no means unique. Most Republicans believe that Trump won and that the election was stolen from him. CNN Poll: Percentage of Republicans who think Biden's 2020 win was illegitimate ticks back up near 70%
The GOP has less to do with political ideology and more with establishing a cultural religion. You dont need logic, facts, or an argument for a religion, just faith. I mean, what exactly are the political tentpoles of the GOP? If you say small government Im going to crack up. Trump preached they are coming after you. That was his message.
Watched this last night. Of the half dozen or so people interviewed, my impressions were 1. Almost none have changed their mind 2. Most don’t blame Trump for the actions 3. These people really are not smart, and are highly gullible.
them and their select disinformation channels. almost like it is a concerted effort to destabilize the democracy. wonder who would want that to happen.
Considered watching this and maybe I will but not sure if I'm gonna hear much new. I feel like there have been many articles/vids over the years talking about how the left/Dems need to reach out to and understand the MAGA base. I'm all for that, and it's a good thing. But I wonder if conservative media are doing the same by encouraging MAGA to reach out to the left and try harder to understand them. I could be off base, but it feels a bit one-sided to me.
I hope any and all Hillary Clinton supporters who made death threats against election officials were charged as well. Also, I wonder if Trump would pardon this guy if re-elected or if Trump would concede that this guy crossed the line?
Really? This was their candidate in 2016 and although the Democrats were pissed off over Russian interference in the 2016 campaign and complained about the Electoral College, they accepted the results of the election. Hillary gave this speech a few hours after the media called the election for Trump. Trump never gave a similar speech following either the call by the media, the convening of state electors calling the election for Trump or the certification of the election results by Congress and never will. If Trump gave a similar speech I must have missed it. A link would be greatly appreciated. Maybe I also missed Hillary's call for her supporters to converge on the Capitol to prevent Congress from certifying the 2016 election results as did a certain candidate with an orange complexion regarding the 2020 election results. If you can provide a link to her speech on that subject it would also be appreciated. By the way seven Democrats in the House objected to certification of 2016 election results. 147 Republican members of the House refused to certify the 2020 election results as did 8 Republican senators.
If I were to bet I would put my money on Trump pardoning that guy as well any other of his supporters convicted of crimes related to the January 6, 2021 attempted insurrection.
Of course. What authoritarian wouldn't reward his loyal followers for breaking the law of his behalf? Any organized crime Don would be expected to reward his underlings in the mob for their loyalty.
I cut another sentence out of the part I quoted, but it was already four paragraphs that I copied ...
Maybe so, but Hillary still conceded that she lost the election. Trump's Narcissistic Personality Disorder is so extreme that he is incapable of accepting the truth and sadly he has an almost hypnotic influence over his sheep-like supporters who worship him like a deity and accept whatever says as the revealed truth.