I’ve been reading various articles on pieces of Romneys upcoming book. Some of them rather shocking. MSN "One of the biggest revelations to me in my conversations with Romney was just how important the threat of political violence was to the psychology of elected Republicans today," Coppins explained in a recent interview with Brian Stelter. Coppins noted that Romney told him "story after story about Republican members of Congress, Republican senators, who at various points wanted to vote for impeachment—vote to convict Trump or vote to impeach Trump—and decided not to, not because they thought he was innocent, but because they were afraid for their family’s safety." They were afraid of what Trump supporters might do to them or to their families," the author added, noting that situation "raises a really uncomfortable question."
He is a man of great integrity who is leaving politics. He doesn’t have a party anymore because he puts country first
Frankly, he’s a schmuck. I think senators assume a threat of political violence that comes with the territory when they run for office. Either way, if a senator’s impeachment vote was tainted by fear, what does that say about their fortitude in the first place? Real leaders do not cower and vote out of fear. So I don’t buy it and Romney is a schmuck for saying something that likely isn’t close to being true.
I'm not sure why you're so quick to say that what Romney is saying isn't true when other Republicans have said the same thing. House Republicans say threats of violence could be a factor in impeachment decision House GOP lawmakers on Wednesday said that threats made toward them and their families could factor in to their decision whether to impeach President Trump. Republicans voiced concerns about their safety after the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol, which left five dead including a Capitol Hill Police officer. Multiple members of Congress told The Hill they have received death threats from individuals from both parties since the vote to challenge the certification of the Electoral College results last week. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/...of-violence-could-be-a-factor-in-impeachment/
Didn’t someone post poll results on here last week that said 1/3 of R’s and 1/4 of D’S think violence is the solution? Seems in line with Romney’s sentiment.
Do you even realize what you just said? 'Romney's a schmuck. Politicians are cowards for not doing the right thing and voting for Trump's impeachment and removal from office. Romney's a schmuck [for doing the right thing]' You have ZERO basis for insinuating he's a liar......other than you don't like what he said. So who's the liar here?
That doesn’t really mean anything. As I said, if you run for office in the capacity of a senator or president, you’ve already assumed a threat of political violence. If that’s too much burden for you to handle and it sways your votes, you shouldn’t have ran for senator in the first place and you have no fortitude.
Schmuck and a liar. The consummate politician. (and I’m so sure you were here heaping praise upon Romney in 2012)
Of course it means something. It means a not insignificant portion of our population thinks violence is ok to get what they want. It’s exactly what Romney was talking about. Has nothing to do with fortitude, that’s just your dislike for Romney, who actually voted to impeach.
I assume most people who serve on a jury where a known gang member is charged faces greater risk with fewer resources. We expect common citizens to convict if the facts dictate. If a Senator said this they are either lying or a coward shirking their sworn duty. Either way they deserve contempt.
And any senator knows the above before they announce their campaign. Again, if such a threat is enough to sway your vote in an impeachment, then you weren’t worthy of holding the seat in the first place, you cowardly schmuck.
So you agree that they should have done the right thing and voted to impeach instead of cowarding in fear
Integrity? The dude moved from Massachusetts to Utah to sneak a seat in the senate. He is just another corrupt POS politician that was looking out for his buddies in the business world.
He’s Mormon, he graduated from BYU, and he took over the SLC winter Olympic committee. Him moving to Utah isn’t an outrageous thing.
That he’s part of a cult doesn’t help his legacy either. The guy is the consummate politician. In fact, if I’m not mistaken, he voted not to convict Trump on one of the impeachment charges himself. At this point, he’s just another Chris Christie trying to maintain some semblance of relevance by trashing Trump 24/7, because nobody gives a damn about his platform.