This kind of nonsense has been happening for years. I don’t understand the rationale. Halloween is a US tradition and custom dating back many decades. It is basically a holiday for kids. If you don’t want your kids to wear a costume or participate, nobody is forcing them. I don’t understand why other kids aren’t allowed to dress up just because your kid, or more likely you don’t want to celebrate this funky holiday. Why are Americans allowing the dumbass Karens of the world to dictate the removal of our customs? DEI is the dumbest social concept ever developed. Superintendent cancels Halloween, bans costumes in school citing DEI and potential harm to students' 'dignity'
Not sure I buy canceling Halloween because of DEI concerns; that feels a bogus justification on its face. That said, private Christian schools routinely ban/cancel Halloween every year due to its "pagan and satanic influences." Don't recall ever hearing GOP outrage about that...
I honestly cant remember wearing costumes to school, maybe it happened or maybe not. They just blamed different stuff at the time I'm sure, but costumes at school seems like asking for disciplinary problems and distractions.
Someone's going to have to explain to me what Karens have to do with Halloween. That one went way over my head.
Agree. Think they're using DEI as the "excuse du jour" because they don't want to deal with administrative nightmares around rowdy kids wearing masks and high school girls wearing skanky costumes that would otherwise violate dress code.
Yeah, Halloween during the school day is an unnecessary distraction. They can slip into costume at 3:01 PM for the rest of the day.
I remember my grandmother made me a Devil costume, compelte with horns and a tail and my dad even made me a little pitchfork from an old broken pool cue and some popstickle sticks when I was in first grade for school and the teacher made me take it off because Jesus. This was 1977. Freakin' Karens. No wonder I became an atheist seven years later when I was old enough to think for myself.
Imagining conservatives demanding DEI be killed and a superintendent be fired so their teen daughter can go to school as a sexy nurse to own the libs
Never been a fan of Halloween, but the DEI explanation/excuse is baffling. Seems like Halloween would be the holiest DEI Holiday. for Christians--the holiday originated with the Church. October 31 is All Souls Day (and 11/1 = All Saints Day). Dressing up to scare the gouls away, or something like that. So, I don't get that angle either. Seems ppl are eager to find new shit to bitch about every day.
Halloween is more overt, but Easter and Christmas are founded in pagan bullcrap, used to convince pagans to adopt "Christianity."
Isn’t the principal just saying they can’t dress up during the school day? Op and poll seem misleading.
My daughter goes to a Catholic school and they dress up every year. Usually there's a "trunk or treat" gig that goes on after the school day.