I’m buying a half price lifetime sportsman license for myself and a bunch of state parks annual passes as gifts. For those that haven’t seen it, it’s half off the gold sportsman’s licenses (the combo fresh/salt/hunting licenses, including lifetime ones) and half off individual and family state parks annual passes.
Will buy for son and myself but wondering where the lost $$ will come from to fund agencies and would that money be better spent elsewhere
Colorado does something similar for state parks & it is nice you can just pay it as part of your tag fee & no additional stickers are required. & suck it fla. It’s 60% off! Colorado Parks and Wildlife
I'd guess increased sales will outpace discounts even considering meager administrative costs of issuance
I think it’s a combination of the state has huge surpluses to start with right now, and it will get a bunch of people who otherwise wouldn’t have paid for state park entrance or bought hunting/fishing licenses in the first place to buy them. The discounted lifetime sportsman licenses are a great deal if you’re someone relatively young who would buy hunting and fishing licenses every year for the rest of your life without it, but I suspect most of the people who the discounted price will entice in are people who otherwise aren’t buying these kinds of licenses and passes.
Hunting and Fishing licenses are granted by FWC which has constitutional authority and is not in the cabinet or (theoretically) directly subject to Gov’s authority. Of course, IRL, the Gov has his ways to exert authority.
Dynamite idea. This could be healthy for the people in the state who can’t get adequate health care because the jackass won’t expand Medicaid.
This board has its priorities straight! “Check out this idea!” “Whoa cowboy, all I need to know is was it DeSantis or Biden??”
Actually, no. They did it about 15 years ago. I can’t remember when, but at the time I didn’t put too much in it. Just got both daughters theirs. Hell of a deal
He is trying to piss me off. Where the heck was he when I was under 65 and needed a hunting and fishing license?