This is where much of the Republican Party is, and how many of them think. Most just aren’t stupid enough to say it out loud. I mean how big of a pu### does one have to be to leave a threatening voicemail to someone’s wife? no idea why this cnn link won’t work ..
Ain't that the thing. Claims to be nonviolent but then tells a woman he'll be stalking her/her family around everywhere she goes.
He must one of those unemployed welfare queens I keep hearing about if he has time to follow someone around every minute of every day….
He knows he’s doing something wrong so he put in the disclaimer but doesn’t understand threats of violence aren’t the only thing you can be charged with. Moron has never heard of stalking. Code Section Texas Penal 42.072 Stalking Defined as A person commits an offense if on more than one occasion and pursuant to scheme or course of conduct directed at specific person, knowingly engages in conduct that: Stalker knows/reasonably believes victim will view as threatening; Causes fear; and Would cause a reasonable person to fear.
I have listened to this recording three times and I am pretty sure it’s a work. A false flag. The man on the other end of the line has a voice very similar to that of Jim Jordan, but it’s not quite perfectly the same. And say what you want about Jim Jordan, but Jim Jordan knows this sort of thing would be political suicide to become involved with. You don’t get to Jim Jordan‘s position without knowing this would be a very stupid thing to do, especially considering the timing. And let’s be real. It’s not like this sort of thing hasn’t come out of the Democrat operative playbook 1000 times before.
What also struck me, beyond just the disgusting and pathetic nature of the call, was how confident this idiot was in his thinking, that he had all of this stuff figured out, and he needed to take it upon himself to right these wrongs. I have more sympathy for the guy who showed up at the Pizza place with firearms. At least he thought he was accomplishing something good.
Uh, you think? Obviously the caller’s voice is meant to sound like Jordan himself making the call, which should be a huge red flag to anyone believing Jordan operatives were behind this. Much more likely Dem operatives doing their best impersonation act on a multitude of fronts.
And what do you supposed "Dem operatives" get out of demanding they elect Jim Jordan or someone even further to his right?