Transgender former football coach listed in Maxim Australia's ‘Hot 100’ women alongside Margot Robbie Some nutjobs in Australia claim that this dude belongs on the same “hot” list as Margot Robbie. I think all the drugs consumed in the 60s are now getting their revenge on human kind. This is just gross.
It amazes me what some people can get mad about, a foreign lad magazine you dont subscribe to for example
“Let’s put this person on the list. Fox will jump on it. It’ll go all over social media, page views will soar. ….”
Its kind of funny because Maxim is like the ultimate hetero magazine too, probably the kind of 'grooming' they want. I'm imagining a conservative parent catching their kid with a hetero lad mag full of bikini'd women (with like one trans person) and being like "we bought you that subscription to Cat Fancy and this is what you're reading, not in my house!"
You act like this sort of crap is done in isolation... They have their (indoctrination) reasons for this..
Yes, now you know there is a Maxim Australia with a list, they know who can be suckered into promoting it for free!
LOL. You don’t get it. I’m not mad at the magazine…I’m mad at society for turning the other cheek and I’m disgusted at anyone who supports calling a man a “hot woman”.