!&&p=1568...Gl0b2wtYXQtbGVhc3QtdGhyZWUtYXJyZXN0ZWQv&ntb=1 I hope they round them all up and put them in solitary confinement for months until their trial. What DA will have the stones to charge Talib with conspiracy to commit this insurrection?
Really? I feel like a lot of historical/political anti-Semitism is simply because Jewish people have long been associated with left-wing politics, internationalism, socialism, communism, etc.
Right, was there a transfer of power they were trying to disrupt? Were they attempting to prevent a branch of government from functioning? Connect the dots for us please, or is this some lame attempt at whataboutism. The violence is inexcusable and hopefully they will be prosecuted for that.
I was under the (incorrect apparently) impression that Jews were more or less united in their feelings on Israel.
Why are people that shoot guns not charged with the same crime as people who shoot guns at people? Seems unfair!
The Israeli regime is not popular among American Jews from what I can tell. Still, for them to come off as passionately pro-Palestine at this time is weird.
Not at all, for example DSA is extremely Jewish, at least compared with their demographic presence in the USA at large. Big anti-Zionist tradition among American Jews on the left.
SHow us some footage of legislators running for their lives as this mob trashed the capital as they called for elected officials to he hanged.
Hey, I know! Let's lock em up for years on end and deprive them of fundamental due order to defend democracy!
Wait, now you don't support people being jailed prior to conviction? Is this universally true? Can you point me to the case in which the government was found to have deprived somebody of fundamental due process?
Being held without bond is not, by itself, depriving a person of their fundamental due process rights. Do you think every criminal defendant, regardless of circumstances, should be released pending trial?
Politics trumps faith. Politics trumps culture. Politics trumps economic common sense. Politics trumps family. We are not in a good place in this country!
Of course, every criminal defendant should not be immediately released, but considering the crime and past arrest record should be accounted for. Considering most of these defendants were at most trespassing and have no record, keeping them in prison awaiting trial may be a bit much.
Which specific ones detained were merely trespassing and didn’t have a criminal record? The overwhelming majority of those “caught up in the moment” types not only weren’t held to trial, they weren’t sentenced to jail time at all (or maybe something like 30 days). Seems what you are saying is just not true. Most of the defendants detained either committed violence, led the more organized groups (meaning they planned vandalism and violence), or even threatened further violence against law enforcement, there were several of those I recall reading about. Find us this totally innocent person held for no reason.