How does it allow for less savings? How would you pay for an unexpected large expense with your primary home equity? The only way to tap into it is selling (and now you have buy another house at much higher interest rates), or get a HELOC which is probably going to be at least 11-12% APR. If you have a bunch of stocks then this discussion doesn’t really apply.
If you have a ton of home equity and have no other investments, that isn't really a smart economic decision. You should balance investments somewhat. Regardless, retirees can access it with reverse mortgages (not encouraging that, but you shouldn't be entirely reliant on your home equity either). Younger folks can access it through a variety of methods as well. Worst case, you could always sell the house and move to the rental market with a substantial chunk of cash.
Wasn't really meaning you run on it. I'm saying let the Dems run on Biden's record. I'm sure he'll win by a landslide, just like Reagsn did.
Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing that people's wealth increased by more over that three year period compared to any other three year period since they started running the survey?
And you have no investments? BTW, if your income hasn't gone up at all since 2019, I'd start looking for another job. Almost everybody's income increased during that time.
I’m retired and on social security so the small crumbs I get every year doesn’t keep up with the increases in every frigging thing we have to have. My family is doing fine because I planned for my retirement but quit trying to convince us the economy is doing fine. Not buying it and most Americans don’t ethier.
Okay, so something doesn't add up then. You are saying that you have "small crumbs" but that you are "doing fine because I planned for my retirement." So do you have investments that increased in value or not? Also, if you are relying on Social Security for income, that has verifiably increased. So your first claim is simply not true.
It answers plenty for what we're discussing here. Here's what I'll add--when the economy is doing well, my business clients blow my phone up. When it's not going so well, I get lots of bankruptcy, foreclosure defense, evictions (both sides), lawsuit defenses, and business clients asking for payment plans Based on that Guage, I say....let Biden run on his record. That'll suit me just fine.
It seems like you are avoiding the questions. I wonder why that is. Is it because the answer to the questions don't help your narrative?
I am doing fine because everything I have is paid off except my truck which is about paid off. Get your head out of the sand and realize there are a lot of people who are in bad shape I just thank the good Lord I’m not one of them.
House may be worth more but you’re not going to sell and live on the streets are you? Rental market is not helpful, still high. Unless you got a big raise it’s not really helping anyone to have your house gain in value. Just higher taxes.