The right-wing Law and Justice party appears to have lost. In the end, after a long, vicious election campaign in a highly polarized country, opponents of the nationalist governing party, Law and Justice, won a clear majority of seats in a pivotal general election held on Sunday, according to final official results Tuesday. That victory opened the way for a potentially drastic shift away from Poland’s deeply conservative policies at home and its role abroad as a beacon for right-wing groups and politicians opposed to liberal values. Momentous Shift Looms for Poland as Governing Party Looks Set to Be Ousted
Deeper into the EU, more embroiled in the Ukraine war, more immersed in climate hysteria. But at least women will have more expansive baby-killing rights.
Based Trad Cath Poland is on life support, people might be able to get an abortion eventually or an immigrant or two might be allowed in the country
I guess the mods decided that they didn’t like 51’s reference to ethnic jokes and did PITBOSS a favor by deleting his totally false accusation of 51’s spelling capability. Oh well, those who live in glass houses……..
I promise I am not specifically seeking you out. Do you believe in reparations? I am going to guess that you would say "no". PiS was asking for 1.3 trillion euros from Germany for WW2. They have been in power for a long time and have made claims that Poland is losing this and that stoking nationalist flames. All the while, THEY were in power. At some point, the people call bollocks. They did. The Law and Justice Party(PiS) ran out of manure to shovel.
So you are coming to the defense of 51 because he correctly spelled an ethnic slur? For the record I think he used 2 l’s instead of 1, but I can’t be sure.