That was basically a rant sounding very much like snowglobe post, without even asking a question. Pure foolishness devoid of any substance at all. Not a big Vivek fan, but that was cheap chickenshit. NB: Everything she accessed him of not being qualified for, applied doubly to Barrack Obama (and I'd argue not even to Vivek). Barry had literally ZERO executive experience prior to POTUS.
Not only was it cheap, she read it off a card. The David Parkman wimp didn't share VR's reply. A reply that was most likely very sharp and without a cue card.
Only watched about a minute of it, and I’d have to agree with my Republican friends above. I didn’t think it was going in the right direction and don’t like reading from a card. I like to improvise my disses straight off the dome. Just didn’t seem effective to me, stylistically.
God that was hard to watch. Not because Vivek got destroyed, but because of her rambling. "A liar, a con artist and a showman". No facts. I think that you could make an argument (through a partisan lense) for every President since Clinton of being those things. Well maybe not Biden being a showman, but I digress.
Everything she said was 100% true. She may have been reading off her phone because she’s not an expert public speaker and this helps her to convey her point better. No problems with it at all.
I’m not a fan of Vivek and think less of trump but that was an ambush with insults that needed specifics.
Who gives a shit about this guy? He’s brown and can speak intelligibly. 0.00% chance he ever wins the GOP nom. It’s a non starter.
Touche. Point well taken. Your (and @PITBOSS 's) objectivity here is duly acknowledged and appreciated. (Out of respect and appreciation, I shall refrain from any reference to 'the snowglobe' for the remainder of the day. )
Part of the problem was "...everything she SAID"--it was supposed to be a question. Secondly, it wasn't "facts"--it was opinion based characterizations. That you agree with them, doesn't make it anymore factual than "Biden is a buffoon". Thirdly, was that childish giddy twerp giggling along for emphasis.
It was a speech/rant with some insults and no question and no overriding real point. I tried listening to David Pakman podcast a while back but I found him to partisan and too preachy.
I don’t think the ideologues here fully appreciate what you posted. I can’t remember one of them ever deviating one iota from their script, which is why I don’t take them seriously. NOTHING is black or white.
I will give him credit for letting her talk even after she started with the insults. Trump would have called her a nasty person and shut her down. Hell, even Biden might have called her a dog faced pony soldier... what ever the hell that means.