Red Dye No. 3 has not only been banned in many countries, it's been banned in cosmetics in the US since 1990. But it's still allowed in food, which is kind of weird. California becomes the first state to ban four chemicals in food, including red dye No. 3
This is how it starts. Next they’ll be coming for all the food colors then our guns! Did I do that right?
Banning a synthetic dye from our food that has been found to cause cancer is the slipperiest slope to communist hell!
They must have learned it was red dye #3 in the blood stream that was blocking the covid vaccine nano bots from getting their 5G activation orders. Stock up Skittles, fellow patriots!
lol!! But unfortunately that’s correct. Big gov telling corps what harmful chemicals we can’t consume. Has anyone ever dropped dead within a month from it? No? Well, short term immediate results is the only argument. Plus trying to be healthy is so woke.
I'm sure it's used in a lot of different things but they didn't specifically say which products it's in. Like red M&M's?
Congrats to California for taking measures that should have been done 30 years ago and still somehow leading the way in this country
I'm not usually for government banning stuff, but my wife's uncle has level 4 hazmat clearance (he's a trucker), and hauls food dye all the time. It is always marked level 4 hazmat. Once he had a leak and had to report it to the EPA. On the other hand, it was the FDA or the USDA that approved food dyes for consumption, so in this case, go California.
There is absolutely no reason why food should have dyes in them. I guess food companies see us as 4 year olds.
The fact that a single state has to do what our own fda should have done years ago is sad. It is also a reason why many of us barely trusted the FDA to handle covid properly. They sell out to special interests and ignore our interests. Their a shell of what they should be. The NCAA of foods.