Even the French are spending money on national defense. Oui! Mon Dieu! They are tripling their production of 155mm artillery shells. French firms to triple 155mm ammo production, boost weapons output
It bears repeating: our biggest expense (other than entitlements) is national defense. Get rid of (or disable) our enemies (on the cheap, if possible), and that expense goes way down. Do you like spending money on weapons that we sometimes never use? Why do you need to spend so much money on national defense? Are you a defense-aholic?
The Biden admin. has dragged their feet and been No, No, Yes on all these weapon systems. Needs to change now if not last week.
I suspect that if Putin's health took a serious downward turn, he would stop traveling. He wouldn't have made the trip to China if he were really near the end.
You seem to have mistaken me for a member of the house of representatives. I don't get to vote on expenditures. I only get to vote for candidates, and my options are quite limited. But why would you bypass entitlements and go straight for defense? If it were up to me, id say put it ALL on the $%&#@n table, and get to hacking, until we're running consistent surpluses.
We have something like 900 military bases or garrisons in something like 80 countries. We could bring all of our boys and girls home, cut our military budget in half, cut it in half again … and no ten countries combined would or could invade our shores let alone subjugate our populace. Now proceed with entitlements …
how much will it impact use of russain air support by forcing those helicopters and planes to move back 200 + miles from the lines?
Thanks for bringing this information. He has to die someday but I’m not going to get my hopes up that it’s 1) anytime soon, or 2) that it will actually change anything until we see concrete evidence otherwise.
I think it’s fair game too but part of me wonders if it would be better to leave it so the citizens that want to live in Russia have an easier way to exit Crimea. I assume the strategic gain of demolishing that bridge far outweighs the consideration of a portion of the population preferring Russian to Ukrainian rule.