agreed. cameras, drug tests. create a safe environment for those misfortunate enough to be homeless but willing to be good citizens. sadly, there is no one size fits all solutions but start with those willing to help themselves.
Yes, but it has to be on some level of security control with controlled release afterwards. Everything from suicide watch, high security cells to long term group homes. None of it cheap. Any solution would need to be tailor made to the problem. How do you create an efficient system for that? Maybe all the people that will be replaced by AI can bring their talent to the game. Deep complex ; clean, serviced, tiny villages could be a solution for some.
Rightie's dream! All "the people" living in tents out of sight, while the ruling class jet sets in mansions, providing nothing for helpless needy people.
Great idea, give the homeless housing, food, drugs and alcohol. We could keep inviting immigrants to take their place. Eventually we could break the jet setters because the middle class could no longer afford housing, food and drugs and the jet setters would have to provide them a living.
Losing housing due to drug use is a price many addicts will pay. The drug is the ONLY thing. I will watch a mother lose her child tomorrow morning because (among other things) she cannot produce a clean drug screen. Imagine the grip meth has that she cannot kick it even if it means her child is raised by others and she will be allowed only 1 hr supervised visits once a week that she won't attend. This will be the 5th child she has lost in this reason. PS: of course its all in the judge's hands and he could decide otherwise.
My initial reaction was “the word they are looking for is trailer park”. In essence, dumping a bunch of manufactured tiny houses on a parking lot… viola… it’s a trailer park.
Great idea ... let the homeless starve to death in the streets ... Also, who said anything about drugs and alcohol? Making up dumb shit to attribute to the "other side" to make yourself seem smart is what we call a "strawman" fallacy. Do better.
Sounds like a decent idea, but there’s always a NIMBY issue with these sorts of endeavors. Especially in cities. There’s limited urban spaces where such “tiny villages” could be built. This could be a great solution for the “working unhoused”, i doubt it’s workable for people with hardcore substance abuse issues or mental illness. In big cities they need bigger facilities to deal with the homeless and mentally ill, this sounds like an idealistic premise that could work on smaller scale or small time homeless problems where the properties could be properly managed. But it might not be replicable on a great enough scale to deal with the larger problem of mental illness and substance abuse. Still, better than doing nothing…