Do we really want to welcome Palestinian refugees here in the US? If we do I'm pulling the fire alarm. Progressives call for US to take refugees from Gaza
I'm fine with it. America should do it's part help the innocent people who want to get away from that never ending nightmare.
So, how do you vet them? Are you aware of why Egypt is saying "no"? Egypt has worked very hard to rid the terrorists from their country.
Why don't we just nuke the hell out of the entire region..... This could be the new #1 hit. Damn I hadn't heard that song in close to 40 years.. Still brings a smile to my face.
I'm sure there are way to vet out terrorists. I haven't' really heard of that being a problem. You guys had the same meltdown when 100,000 Afghan refugees were brought to the US after their collapse, I bet that's been a real disappoint for you being wrong, and not have something to blame Biden for....
I’m sure the bomb would be a smart bomb and know to stop at the Israeli border. Gaza is about the same size in area as Hiroshima. Do you know how many innocent Jews lives alone would be ruined by your stupid (and entirely hateful) sentiment, much less how many innocent Palestinians would be killed (and I’m Jewish)? But it might get a few idiots to high five you on the internet so fire away.
The middle east was referred to as a Never ending nightmare. Do you really think my suggestion to nuke the entire region was serious? Lighten up Francis.
My gut reaction is Palestinians are more likely to radicalize than some other Muslims, but I can’t substantiate that.