I recall reading there are at least 3 different words (Greek / Hebrew, other) representing 3 different concepts that were translated as Hell in English. The first being Sheol, which I think literally means burning trash pile, or otherwise grave. Then the one you mention, then finally Hades in later books. To the extent Hell exists at all in the Bible and exactly what it is not clear at all.
Interesting post. I think I've read all of Ehrman's books. His has been a journey of the open mind. However, I understand why so many want to close that door rather than walk through it. The thought of there being nothing before or after our awareness is too much to bear. As for myself, heaven would be no improvement over my family and friends now.
Some of you people on here strike me as absolutely brilliant, so maybe you can answer a question that I have been pondering for a while. The question is: do the 40 people that I have blocked on here still exist? I will hang up and wait for your responses.