America's national emergency alert test is coming to your phone at 2:20 pm ET today: Here's what you need to know | CNN Business Glenn Beck seems to be cooking up some theory here. Glenn Beck @glennbeck FEMA is conducting a nationwide emergency alert system test on Wednesday. Russia is also conducting emergency tests this week to prepare for nuclear blasts. That’s JUST a coincidence though, right? Nothing to worry about, right???
There are idiots out there like the types who won't give up in the Covid thread who believe this alert is going to activate nanobots in the vaccines that will turn people into zombies. I wish I were kidding.
Well I turned my alerts off after that 4am test bullshit last year. But if you're promising me a good zombie apocalypse, I may turn it back on
Just got the alert and got the latest booster 10 days ago. Will post if I turn into a zombie, assuming I can
And There it goes. I can almost feel the Marburg virus from my vaccine being activated- will soon be a zombie.
On my phone as well. I did ask my office mates if they wanted me to close my door in case I zombified. They felt safe enough. Maybe they're naive.