This story out of Switzerland is mind blowing. Jailed for calling a woman a fat lesbian. Even if this dude hated the fat lesbian as the fat lesbian claims…how is that a crime? Outlawing speech or feelings is asinine. I dumped all my Swiss Cheese in the Garbage, but I’m keeping my Swiss bikini beauty calendar out of principle. Swiss writer who called journalist 'fat lesbian' sentenced to 60 days in prison, LGBTQ groups applaud decision
I keep getting reminded that the right of speech in other countries is not as broad as it is in the US. England is one such. I much prefer the US’s approach.
I'm not sure you can go on a media platform and make threats to people or defame them here either, though there is probably a little more leeway as to what may be construed as such. I'm guessing Fox is probably overplaying the "calling someone a fat lesbian" thing and underplaying that the guy was found guilty of defamation & incitement. Seems like there is probably more to it than just insulting someone!
Making it a crime to say things like that is a pretty foreign concept to me, I also prefer the US approach. But lots of countries have laws against Holocaust denial, for example. BTW, that guy has been convicted of that, too.
When they described him as a "polemicist" my first thought is that this guy basically does this for a living and did all this quite intentionally and is ultimately getting exactly what he wanted. So like I said, enjoy jail. I really have little sympathy for people who's idea of 'free speech' is public bigotry directed at ordinary people.
Eh, sure it's an Orwellian law. On top of that it gives this guy fame in exchange for 60 days of room and board. Are Swiss prisons coed? I can picture him in a cell full of same sex oriented female inmates of prodigious girth.
Given his personality he might not be able to help himself from threatening/insulting people while incarcerated so its a non-zero chance
defamation is not a crime. It is a civil tort. The point of the OP is thank God we live in the United States where you can call fat lesbians, fat lesbians without having the fear of the FBI showing up at your house, armed to the teeth to interrogate and arrest you… …oh wait
He could be a transgender male. Switzerland is known for those, which is why its original name was Switch-Her-Land.
I'm definitely not a fan of the people who only talk about it when it allows them to be bigots and ignore everything else
This is part of the "reset" that the commie Leftists here are waiting for. The reset has NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS in it. All part of the plan...
ok. I appreciate your honesty. You’re not a fan of free speech, but instead only speech you find acceptable. I just don’t agree.